Funny Diseases


Having senses connected. Some people can smell music!


Added by a Guest on May 15, 2017 | You Like This |


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I HAVE THIS OMG letters and numbers have colors music has color numbers have personalities

someone on June 4, 2017

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I have this! i can see auras, taste sounds and colours, see music, and a few others

Oh. on June 15, 2017

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I have it too. My numbers 0-9 have colours, personalities, some letters have those things too for me. Also I can see a colour when I hear a song/melody.

oh heya on July 24, 2017

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i can taste meatballs when i paint!

jeffrey on July 31, 2017

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when I'm in my aunt's pool, i can either feel orange or blue

Sara on July 31, 2017

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umm on August 23, 2017

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letters, numbers 1-9, days of the week, and music have colors!

Mia on October 12, 2017

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ive heard of this

hoi on October 23, 2017

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My great grandma didn't have this, but she did stuff like it. Like, she would tell me grandfather he looked like an 11 to her. Sometimes she would say he reminded her of the color red, too.

Good job Buddy on November 2, 2017

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I have synesthesia. Letters and numbers have colors and personalities. I can see certain pieces of music. When I see a picture of someone being touched, I can feel it. When I think of a smell or taste, sometimes I can smell/taste it.

???? on November 13, 2017

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Cool! It sounds fun.. and nice. But maybe it's bad? I don't know, I don't have it.

The Deep One on November 30, 2017

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I have a rare type of synesthesia called "Mirror-Touch Synesthesia" which is a mix of vision and touch, so pretty much I can feel what other people feel (for example if someone touches their hand, it feels like I touched my hand).

derp on January 4, 2018

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qwertyuiop on January 22, 2018

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hey, i also have mirror-touch synesthesia

qwertyuiop on January 22, 2018

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This is actually someone can have.

Dure on February 13, 2018

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This sounds like bougus...If this is real, well then cool. But tasting music???

KKB22 on March 11, 2018

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its real... look it up. WHY IS IT HERE A. ITS NOT FUNNY B. ITS NOT A DISESE

qwertyuiop on March 12, 2018

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*disease oops

qwertyuiop on March 12, 2018


Just googled this, ya'll are crazy, It's a damn video game!

KKB22 on March 13, 2018

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Different places and things mean different colors to me... do I have synesthesia?

Guest on March 27, 2018

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This sounds really cool but i dont know if it would be bad to have it??? it seems like it would be fun

heeeyyy on May 16, 2018

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I have a very serious case of this. I once smelt a golf ball. It tasted like foot tacos.

DOnkeY on June 15, 2018

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I actually have this numbers 1-1,000,000 have personalities, colors, and smell. Colors are also affected. Mint smells green and 23. I'm glad I'm not crazy.

fd on October 10, 2018

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oh yeah i have this colur and number are connected

Paarveennnnnn on November 17, 2018

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i wish i had this

dont touch me on February 1, 2019



CosmixWinx on March 22, 2019

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Sometimes, when I was younger, letters, words, and numbers 0-9 have some strange personality.

Tourmaline on March 27, 2019

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For me it seems like numbers and letters and sometimes even words have colors, genders, and personalities, and it's weird if they're shown differently (such as, a is red, b is blue, h is pale blue, p is green or pink, z is bright forest green, etc). I remember hating it when, in science class, a worksheet had us color nitrogen bases different colors than I imagined them (for example, I imagined cytosine as blue but we had to color it yellow). I also sometimes feel pain if I see/hear about/read about someone getting hurt.

Iamnotcreative on May 28, 2019

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When i was younger i had this mildly but it went away for some reason. Certain types of tree reminded me of numbers but i never knew why.

Onyx Oblivion on May 29, 2019

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i have sound-color and some numbers have personalities

anonymous androgynous on September 12, 2019

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I'm glad someone posted this. IT IS NOT A DISEASE. I have it. its real google it!

qwerty on January 19, 2020

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also you should read the book A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass, it is about a girl who has synesthesia.

qwerty on January 19, 2020

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Pseudonymous Bosch made a series where one of the side characters has synesthesia.

ViolaBoy on April 13, 2020

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This might be a video game, but is also a real phenomenon. I know it sounds crazy to some, but it is indeed very, very, real. It happens when extra connections are made between the different areas of the brain. Letters have color for me, and so do numbers. I also smell music.

qwertyuiop on May 6, 2020

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I HAVE IT TOO, AND ITS REAL NOOBS. (also so many of u guys are saying u have it, i believe u but it IS annoying if u keep saying it to tons of ppl, some people hate when you do that, im telling u from personal experience)

e on January 7, 2021

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I think I have this. When I play games like dodgeball, sometimes I see a ball being thrown at someone and I dodge like I'm them. Also, I befriended a stick when I was younger. It was very chill and laid back, but could be sassy.

E on February 15, 2021

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I think I have this. I get attache to random things (like straws or toys), and have a personality.

RR on April 12, 2021

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Mike (Michael) on November 30, 2021

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I might have this. I feel blue, (I can even taste it!), and I can actually smell music!

I on November 30, 2021

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e dont call people a noob

h on November 30, 2021

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h you sensitive baby? OH BOO HOO! shut up.

d on November 30, 2021

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