Double negative much?
Added by a Guest on May 22, 2017 | 54 people like this You Like This | Unlike
GxxxxN_YT on August 3, 2017
yeah ,don't bother, give it all up
namelgse on August 23, 2017
wow so smart ;D
Lizzie on December 23, 2017
imma do this as soon as im old enough :)
Onyx Oblivion on May 29, 2019
never don't give up never don't let down never don't run around and desert you
asdfghjkl on July 11, 2020
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GxxxxN_YT on August 3, 2017
yeah ,don't bother, give it all up
namelgse on August 23, 2017
wow so smart ;D
Lizzie on December 23, 2017
imma do this as soon as im old enough :)
Onyx Oblivion on May 29, 2019
never don't give up never don't let down never don't run around and desert you
asdfghjkl on July 11, 2020