Funny Names
Engelbert Humperdinck
A smarmy British singerthis is not his real name by the way. See also British, Music.

A smarmy British singerthis is not his real name by the way. See also British, Music.
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so he chose that ridiculous name himself?
Lady Gaga on May 23, 2009
Seriously, what the hell?
Guest on July 15, 2009
Engelbert Humperdinck is the name of a nineteenth century German composer, who wrote "Hansel und Gretel." Look him up.
laqerhill on August 6, 2009
There was a singer in the 1930s of the same name (his actual name). The famous one changed his name as a homage to the 1930s one.
HariboLector on August 20, 2009
Eddie Izzard joked about how they came up with that name
WhatOnEarthIsThat on May 17, 2014
a famous singer... no, seriously, look it up on wikipedia. HE CHOSE IT ITS NOT HIS BIRTH NAME!!
Potato on January 4, 2015