Sit on your knees and then make random faces.
Added by a Guest on July 29, 2017 | 35 people like this You Like This | Unlike
that sounds suspiciously like something else. something unholy... praise jesus for mine dirty thinking but you made it rather easy...
me on July 31, 2017
i love turtles
bob on August 9, 2017
hahaha i literly tried this
welcome to chillis on September 6, 2018
hm. i wonder if you take the phrase " dab on the haters" and say: "awkward turtle on the the haters" hmph. *illuminati music plays*
Your Name on September 10, 2018
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that sounds suspiciously like something else. something unholy... praise jesus for mine dirty thinking but you made it rather easy...
me on July 31, 2017
i love turtles
bob on August 9, 2017
hahaha i literly tried this
welcome to chillis on September 6, 2018
hm. i wonder if you take the phrase " dab on the haters" and say: "awkward turtle on the the haters" hmph. *illuminati music plays*
Your Name on September 10, 2018