Funny Things to Do
Saying "Like" All the Time
At some point in life, you have to outgrow this. It's like, really annoying, when people say it, like, all the time. But then like, you're talking to this person who is like doing it, and you're like suppressing the urge to like totally laugh in his face. See also Teenagers.

Like that is so like Funny And Like weird
Estaban on March 20, 2009
Omg ,like ,ill totally to this like,dude thx or like dudette. Like wow .Its so like cool. i cant wait to like , do it at school. like my friends will like totally hate it ! like ,wow . Like thx :)
Like,Omg. on March 29, 2009
lol on April 13, 2009
That made me lol so much, I have a really bad habit of saying 'like'.. And sometimes, when I tell my boyfriend stories, he doesn't listen, but counts how many times I say 'like' instead. Funny, but heart-breaking. I just texted this to him :)
Rosie on December 10, 2009
Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like
Joe on September 3, 2010
I am, like, totally, like, dying, like, right now, like
attemptedcomedian on June 17, 2018