The most amusing word to use for calling somebody an idiot.
Added by CJdadestroyr on August 23, 2017 | 76 people like this You Like This | Unlike
I agree. Humpty Dumpty is pretty stupid.
Humpty Dumpty on October 14, 2017
butterfly10 on February 12, 2018
numpty dumpty sat on a wall numpty dumpty had a great fall
bob on March 13, 2018
isn't that simon snow? effing numpties...
claire on March 20, 2018
Damn numpties.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 14, 2022
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I agree. Humpty Dumpty is pretty stupid.
Humpty Dumpty on October 14, 2017
butterfly10 on February 12, 2018
numpty dumpty sat on a wall numpty dumpty had a great fall
bob on March 13, 2018
isn't that simon snow? effing numpties...
claire on March 20, 2018
Damn numpties.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 14, 2022