Funny Things to Do

Sterilizing a Lethal Injection

I mean really, why? They're going to die anyway—why sterilize it?


Added by a Guest on August 25, 2017 | You Like This |


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SpiceCookies on August 28, 2017

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I've always assumed its because they don't want dirt particles getting stuck in the end of the needle or something.

w00t on August 29, 2017

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The reason is to prevent infection. We've all seen movies where someone is about to be executed, and then, at the last possible second, the governor calls and either delays or commutes the sentence. Things like that happen in real life, too. A prison may have been open to a wrongful death lawsuit. Or, let's say a condemned prisoner receives a stay of execution because the real killer has miraculously been found. If you don't follow proper procedure and the now-cleared man gets sick or dies on you, you've really got a problem on your hands.

Google on September 3, 2017

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It's to prevent a possible lawsuit

Name on September 8, 2017

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What happens when the lethal chemicals are expired? Does it kill you or not kill you?

MsKnowItAll on August 1, 2019

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