See also Annoying, Computers.
Added by a Guest on September 27, 2017 | 69 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Wha t?
A V on October 4, 2017
or hitting it a littlet o late
RustyMew on October 19, 2017
I k now wha tyo umean! it happen sal lthe time! dammit
GigiSwan on December 4, 2017
s ofrustrating.
mr on June 2, 2019
Or playing a game with space as jump, when your space bar is too easy to press.
Annoying... on July 19, 2019
or playing a game that uses arrow keys instead of wasd?
Loading?... on November 18, 2020
lik eth is?
IDontWannaTellUMyName on November 7, 2021
Le tme me chec kif thi sis actuall yannoying.
IDontWannaTellUMyName on December 27, 2021
W ealwa ysd ot his att hi s po in t.
Yeetaleetthesecond on November 15, 2022
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Wha t?
A V on October 4, 2017
or hitting it a littlet o late
RustyMew on October 19, 2017
I k now wha tyo umean! it happen sal lthe time! dammit
GigiSwan on December 4, 2017
s ofrustrating.
mr on June 2, 2019
Or playing a game with space as jump, when your space bar is too easy to press.
Annoying... on July 19, 2019
or playing a game that uses arrow keys instead of wasd?
Loading?... on November 18, 2020
lik eth is?
IDontWannaTellUMyName on November 7, 2021
Le tme me chec kif thi sis actuall yannoying.
IDontWannaTellUMyName on December 27, 2021
W ealwa ysd ot his att hi s po in t.
Yeetaleetthesecond on November 15, 2022