Batman's greatest fear in The Lego Batman Movie. See also Clowns, Snakes.
Added by a Guest on October 6, 2017 | 62 people like this You Like This | Unlike
If Batman is afraid of clowns, does that mean he is afraid of the Joker?
Halit on March 12, 2018
Huffle-net on April 9, 2018
oh, never thought of that
derpysaurus on June 29, 2018
it's clown snakes not just clowns. Is the joker a snake? that's what i thought.
no on April 11, 2023
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If Batman is afraid of clowns, does that mean he is afraid of the Joker?
Halit on March 12, 2018
Huffle-net on April 9, 2018
oh, never thought of that
derpysaurus on June 29, 2018
it's clown snakes not just clowns. Is the joker a snake? that's what i thought.
no on April 11, 2023