Funny Songs

4'33" by John Cage

4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence.


Added by a Guest on October 15, 2017 | You Like This |


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It's actually 4 minutes and 33 seconds of, I don't know how to describe it, its kind of like a strong wind or something PS the reason i don't want my name on here is because this website isn't secure

no name. sorry. on January 29, 2018

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Hmmmmm.... that song Havanah? well its the stupidest and most idiotic thing I have like ever heard and I'm 12 not some old lady that yelling at someone who has their speakers up too loud which btw those speakers are just... Oh! I found the word! the stupidest thing they have created since the IRobot. oh yeah that IRobot you know! the thing that "cleans" up your house, but really its just mapping out your house sending it to some off limits website that sells it to terrorists that are then gonna blow up your house!No big deal! THE END

Maddie on May 20, 2018

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I love the sound of air, don't we all?

Lena Fennsena on February 8, 2020

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Lena Fennsena Yes I love the sound of air. Regular music is overrated

Sarah Nashteni on February 8, 2020

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Wow my favorite song

Ryan Renolds on February 8, 2020

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Not to flex or anything but i can play this on any instrument

Ur Mom on July 23, 2020

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Thenameofme on July 23, 2020


I always thought 4'33" was annoying but my piano teacher told me it was like a calm break from a recital, where you sit and listen to the babies in the audience cry and stuff

cloelius on April 23, 2021


I like silence. It makes me realize how insane I am.

Yeetaleetthesecond on November 9, 2021

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