Funny People
Teachers Who Don't Enter Grades Until the Last Day of the Semester
They have a special place in Hell reserved for them. See also Schools.

They have a special place in Hell reserved for them. See also Schools.
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I had a teacher who would not grade our project until the next one was almost due. The thing is, each project built upon the previous one, so we really needed to get the previous one graded and learn from our mistakes before starting the next one. Other than that he was pretty cool.
still-dreaming-1 on December 13, 2017
my teacher didnt enter grades until an hour before they were closed for report cards. i got one B on my report card.
meme on February 28, 2018
I have a teacher who grades last minute before the quarter ends *sigh*
HOe on March 17, 2018
I confirm
Satan on February 12, 2019
I can relate to this.
Me on May 30, 2019
Isn't this supposed to be a website full of funny stuff?
Guest on May 19, 2020
hehe same
amaria on March 12, 2021
I hate those teachers!
a 7th grader on April 25, 2021
I haven't had a teacher like that, but if they do exist, I hope they burn for eternity.
Yeetaleetthesecond on October 15, 2021
This is why kids hate school.
FunnyBunny on November 30, 2021
in the immortal words of my sister "school kills your brain cells im sure im getting stupider"
_______ on August 24, 2024