Funny Anti-Jokes
Why Was the Cat Scared of the Cucumber?
Because cats are scared of cucumbers. See also Cats, Logic, Vegetables.

Because cats are scared of cucumbers. See also Cats, Logic, Vegetables.
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I hate this joke
Name on December 20, 2017
Anonymous on December 20, 2017
This comment section is so sad it's funny.
WhiteShadow on December 21, 2017
Mysterious on December 23, 2017
Me on December 25, 2017
you have no sense of humour
James on December 27, 2017
ha cheerfully...
LEVEGAN on December 27, 2017
whats red and bad for your teeth? a brick that was way better than that
;-; on December 29, 2017
Hello, I am Ron Stoppable, me and my buddy Rufus would like to inform you that I don't think cats are afraid of cucumbers, and if they are I would like to see it. P.S naked mole rats are better.
Ron Stoppable on December 29, 2017
Rae-Marie on December 30, 2017
This shouldn't be funny, but it's entirely true XD
CJdadestroyr on December 31, 2017
this is stupid but funnier than the joke
potato on January 7, 2018
cats are scared of cucumbers because it looks similar to a snake.
NAME on December 21, 2018
But my cat catches and eats snakes?
Disgruntled cat owner on August 1, 2019
Hmm. Now I want to give my cat a cucumber... *Cue evil laughter*
??? on September 3, 2019