Funny Anti-Jokes

What Do You Get when You Cross a Joke and a Rhetorical Question?


Added by a Guest on December 26, 2017 | You Like This |


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sam on January 5, 2018

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alrighty then

sam on January 5, 2018

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stop it

sam on January 5, 2018

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AAAAAAAAHHHH that got me

ACK on January 12, 2018

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I Don't get it

Your Name on January 13, 2018

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Ahhh, had to think about that. good one!

Silver on January 18, 2018

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My Life

Han on January 29, 2018

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A Waste of Time :)

lolXD on February 11, 2018

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i still dont get it...

me on February 25, 2018

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that was good

100034688 on February 28, 2018

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I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

123ABC on March 2, 2018

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PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

123ABC on March 2, 2018

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omg on March 2, 2018

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a question

nick wick on March 10, 2018

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where is the answer?

blah on March 11, 2018

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I will use this.

I lM lP /A C T on March 15, 2018

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For all the people asking, here is the joke. A rhetorical question is a question thats not supposed to be answered. This joke was, "what do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?" that is a joke. so the rhetorical part is that there is no answer to it. there ya go

Help is Here on March 15, 2018

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so, what you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question, is that exact question. Get it? if not, name yourself i need help is here.

Help is here continued on March 15, 2018

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cuz_y_not on March 21, 2018

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Am I dumb if I don't understand

Bee Tea Es on March 30, 2018

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my life

Fish on April 22, 2018

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Ohhhh I get it.It took me a little tho:)

TEHE on June 13, 2018

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i love this.

meh on June 19, 2018

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Ahhhh, Smart!

A Potato on July 26, 2018

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you'll get 'sarcasm'

krusty on October 6, 2018

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I just put the exact same thing! Great minds think alike!

Izzy on December 31, 2018

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boo on February 1, 2019

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YEE (I'm learning about rhetorical questions)

OceanBreeze on May 4, 2019

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Good one. I got stuck for a second. not quite an anti-joke, though.

??? on September 3, 2019

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That was great, took me a little bit to figure it out!

Anne on January 9, 2020

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I don't getttt ittt

lya on January 27, 2020

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f f mf v vmf on January 27, 2020

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your mom

Z3j355gf on January 27, 2020

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ha ha

ButHowTho on January 31, 2020

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Someone on March 20, 2020

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I think I get it it's a joke and a rhetorical question at the same time? so it's a rhetorical question so I doesn't have an answer but it's a joke and it's funny I think

Sorona on April 22, 2020

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I think if I'm answering it then... hmmm... Confusion

Sorona on April 22, 2020

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How do you say "rhetorical question" in Swedish?


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GOOGLE SAYS: retorisk fråga ...


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A rhoke.

Caroline Bester on June 1, 2020

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No answer

Ms. This-Is-My-Name on July 31, 2020

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Me, going to comment something. The comment bar thingy: Don't be a potato! Just register or login before commenting.

A pretty thick 'tato on July 31, 2020

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Richard Powell on August 14, 2020

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I get It took a while for my mind to process it though...

Ahaha on September 18, 2020

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Claire Clark on September 24, 2020

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this joke was on lab rats

a person on October 19, 2020

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ummm this joke is funny tho

a person on October 19, 2020

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i hate this joke its dumb

a person on October 19, 2020

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duuuude on December 23, 2020

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an eyeroll.....

annoyed on December 30, 2020

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help is here on March 8, 2021

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funny that everyones a potato because nobody wants to make an account just for a joke site lol

poopoo kid on May 9, 2021

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Ohhhhh wooooooooow

Still confused on October 31, 2021

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i understood it

badie on February 17, 2022

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What the heck I mean it what is the answer to this question

What the heck is the answ on February 21, 2022

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Allison on February 21, 2022

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There is nothing to get, it's just word salad. Before I explain why, it is important to note that a rhetorical question must be asked with the purpose of persuading someone of something - whether or not is intended to be answered has NOTHING to do with whether or not the question is rhetorical. So the joke assumes that the reader understands the definition of rhetorical question to be "a question that is not intended to be answered." The joke also assumes that the reader will interpret the joke to also be a rhetorical question from context, which will lead to a logical paradox when the reader tries to reconcile the fact that the joke expects an answer to the question that expects no answer. The *actual* definition of a rhetorical question is a question that is meant to convince or persuade someone of a thing, and a rhetorical question can ABSOLUTELY expect an answer. And there is absolutely no context by which any reader is being convinced or persuaded of anything in the joke, by definition the question is not rhetorical. And if the question is not rhetorical, an answer is expected, and the answer would be as follows: A joke is something said or done to provoke laughter. A rhetorical question is a question meant to persuade or convince someone of something. So ultimately, this question is a joke that is just not at all funny or humorous, rendering it word salad.

JL on July 10, 2022

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the only correct answer has to be "a confused expression

toastercide on January 17, 2023

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I will be a potato (I prefer it this way)

Potato on July 20, 2023

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I did not get this until I looked it up

angala on October 30, 2023

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This is stupid, not remotely amusing.

PotatoII on January 26, 2024

Don't be a potato! Just register or login before commenting.

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