Added by platyi on April 5, 2018 | 135 people like this You Like This | Unlike
im a carrot bihh
heyyy on April 8, 2018
This worked out very accurately and how it was supposed to. It was enjoyable. I recommend doing this.
HiRandomPersonReadingThis on April 10, 2018
Currently trying to contain laughter because im reading this in math class. It's not working so well lolz!!!!!
TryingToContainLaughter on April 25, 2018
come catch me im a carrot
CARROT on April 26, 2018
pronbally shouldnt be reading this is spanish class i started laughing and now have lunch detention
imacarrotbih on April 27, 2018
i have a 6 page essay due tomorrow in english and this is what i'm doing :)
Ethan Kai Briseno on April 30, 2018
Ya'll are bad students
0.0 on June 1, 2018
But what if i am a potato?
Isabelle on June 28, 2018
If you're a potato you're fine
XD on July 5, 2018
But I am a potato!
potato on September 17, 2019
Im confused
Smallchildrenno on December 18, 2019
Question is: should i plant myself straight up or upside down?
Zezemaurs on April 8, 2020
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im a carrot bihh
heyyy on April 8, 2018
This worked out very accurately and how it was supposed to. It was enjoyable. I recommend doing this.
HiRandomPersonReadingThis on April 10, 2018
Currently trying to contain laughter because im reading this in math class. It's not working so well lolz!!!!!
TryingToContainLaughter on April 25, 2018
come catch me im a carrot
CARROT on April 26, 2018
pronbally shouldnt be reading this is spanish class i started laughing and now have lunch detention
imacarrotbih on April 27, 2018
i have a 6 page essay due tomorrow in english and this is what i'm doing :)
Ethan Kai Briseno on April 30, 2018
Ya'll are bad students
0.0 on June 1, 2018
But what if i am a potato?
Isabelle on June 28, 2018
If you're a potato you're fine
XD on July 5, 2018
But I am a potato!
potato on September 17, 2019
Im confused
Smallchildrenno on December 18, 2019
Question is: should i plant myself straight up or upside down?
Zezemaurs on April 8, 2020