Funny Things to Do
Students Sharing Textbooks That Were Used Twenty Years Ago by Your Same School
Cough, cough, Oklahoma. See also Schools.

Cough, cough, Oklahoma. See also Schools.
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and Chicago. wait, no. 80 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrow on May 7, 2018
Lol our school using textbooks from 1960 and our school was made in 1986.
Wombats r lit duuuuuuuude on May 29, 2018
Lol we got textbooks on our chromebooks.
LapisLazuli on March 23, 2019
same for michigan,oh well..
idkmane on February 22, 2020
I had the same geometry textbook as my Aunt who is 30 years older then me..... gotta love Boston
Tally on June 4, 2020
cough cough... Idaho
MEEEE on January 6, 2021
cough, cough... welcome to the UK
hello on October 19, 2023