Funny Things to Do

Grab the Nearest Book. Turn to Page 206. The First Sentence Describes Your Love Life.

I did it and I got "That's some powerful magic"
Comment what you get.


Added by StylishRainbowTorpedo on June 7, 2018 | You Like This |


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"Maybe you'll win this year," I joked. (from the book Wonder)

Sosh on June 7, 2018


"Because it's happening."

Anthony on June 7, 2018

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"Once we find out where the gold is, we ain't waiting for nobody."

Kirst on June 7, 2018

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I'm Hungry

Alexa on June 8, 2018

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Psychedelic toxin

Aely on June 8, 2018

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During Jesus' pilgrimage to the Holy City of Jerusalem, He had cause once more to prove His compassion for man through an act of healing.

Emily on June 8, 2018

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"The Houses that, like pillars four" (Harry Potter, the Sorting Hat's song in book 5)

Guest on June 8, 2018

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"Your mother must have left some things behind"

Olive00 on June 8, 2018

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"And no, I didnt."

Chris on June 8, 2018

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"Alright, but I warn yeh, he's a coward," said Hagrid. --from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Peanut on June 8, 2018

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"-its arms, tight, chiseled, scary." Hamilton; The Revolution.

scmat on June 8, 2018

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squipperoni on June 8, 2018

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Zebah and Zalmunna said "Come do it yourself"

Random Kid on June 8, 2018

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I wipe the blood off and smile at Roamer as I walk away.

Mia Smith on June 8, 2018

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went to 206th page of "We Were Soldiers Once... and Young", "All that artillery had blown dirt and dust on us and we looked like part of the ground"

who? on June 8, 2018

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“I didn't cry for so long and I didn't want to stop” “what is hurting you?” He asked.

Omg why on June 9, 2018

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"Of course."

this is why I like on June 9, 2018

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"Dissendium!" Harry whispered, tapping the stone witch again. ( Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, page 206)

Don'tBeAPotato on June 9, 2018

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"And about a week after we were both born, apparently they took us to a wise old Centaur in Narnia to be blessed or something" -The Horse and His Boy

imapotato on June 9, 2018

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Ben turned and smashed his way into the bushes, lumbering along in a direction he hoped was west. (the book IT)

... on June 9, 2018

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We traveled by day but in the night a terrible storm hit.

Miranda_Plays on June 9, 2018

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It was midday, but the sky was dark with ash and smoke. Fragile eternity um I'm not sure this is about love life

Shway shway on June 9, 2018

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Find someplace else and start again. LMAO!

Van on June 10, 2018

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where there is hatred let me sow love

jess on June 10, 2018

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featured in the capital

my cpu is broken on June 10, 2018

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speaking of home, everything there is way better, too.

your mom on June 10, 2018

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I got nothing cuz i grabbed a coloring book!

Random on June 10, 2018

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the first book i found was a random bible, and it said something about eating flesh..

Mr Krabs on June 10, 2018

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"snatched up the ax"

lebron on June 10, 2018

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... disorders may not realize there was such a direct, bio chemical link to sleeping problems.

sitdowncomedian on June 10, 2018

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No. Why?

peanut on June 10, 2018

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"We're holding him back"

Harry on June 11, 2018

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"Nobody likes you" Anne sneered

HOLY SHIT on June 11, 2018

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Can't find a book I love books but can't find any☹️

Unicorn floof on June 11, 2018

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We prefer to go person-to-person like the old-fashioned way.

Potato on June 11, 2018

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How to disappear completely and never be found page 206. "This hand---it was like a human hand, only not." WTF?

Carrie on June 11, 2018

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possessed by some hell demon -John Dies at the end

Someone on June 11, 2018

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It just says "Swannee River" and then the harmonica tablature of the song swannee river. Sounds about right.

confused on June 11, 2018

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My nearest book had 187 pages..

idk on June 12, 2018

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" I wasn't expecting you to kiss me, " said Dax.

Katarina on June 12, 2018

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"Something along that line,"-Peeta Mallark from Catching fire

0.0 on June 12, 2018

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Dusty, I imagine.

Wyatt S on June 12, 2018

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a curve is given by y=2x-x^2.

fin on June 12, 2018

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"by then it was just two guys who stop in once in a while" We'll meet again: Mary higgins Clark

Alex on June 12, 2018

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"they looked like a chain gang serving an unspeakable penance for some unspeakable crime"...huh?

Xander on June 12, 2018

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"Yes, she said, I've been waiting for you"

dad on June 12, 2018

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"Miranda worked fast"

Potato on June 13, 2018

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"Even the Hogwarts ghosts avoid it" from Harry Potter #3.

name on June 13, 2018

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What do we do?

Joey on June 13, 2018

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Charlie wanted to hug her. Potatos dont need love

I AM A POTATO on June 13, 2018

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my first sentence "you're so dumb ,she can't do much in a situation like this!"

swagalicious on June 13, 2018

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what we see is a corpse covered in wounds in a formerly harmonious position"

olly on June 14, 2018

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"Have my chicken" was mine. lol

Crystal on June 14, 2018

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Jim nodded. (From 'The Key To Rhondo')

Anonymous on June 15, 2018

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"And it looked very much like a bone." ????? so.... apparently my love life is part of a dead corpse.....xD

No Name on June 15, 2018

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the closest book was my own book series. everyone dies in my book series. thats just great.

CyannJ. on June 15, 2018

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this is what i get for being a writer.

CyannJ. on June 15, 2018

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WIDE SHOT OF DEPARTMENT STORE, its windows full of glamorously dressed mannequins. from fantastic beasts and where to find them the original screenplay

ch3rry367 on June 15, 2018


I am saying nothing beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen - that the Messiah would suffer, and as the first to rise from the dead, would bring the message of light to his own people and to the Gentiles. (The Bible. I kid you not, I think it means that my love life will suffer, somehow conquer failure, and bring light among others I love. I'm so confused-)

KarlySyX on June 15, 2018

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"Forget it, Jake. Some things just can't be put into words, right?"

-R.P on June 15, 2018

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I got The view was ok

Karla on June 15, 2018

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I got '' In that moment even the option of ripping out my own spleen seemed better.'' Actually kinda accurate my love life has been sh*t so far.

Emma on June 16, 2018

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Your values will determine the limits appropriate for your family

Jeffery on June 16, 2018

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I got... In the evening Elijah got his sacrifice ready.

Patotato fly on June 16, 2018

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wasn't any prettier at point-blank,with his bruised eyes and bashed-in mouth.

Daniel on June 16, 2018


“Will we have to sit around a campfire and sing songs and tell stories?”

awesomeguy21 on June 17, 2018

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I got father sighed with dissapointment

... on June 17, 2018

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“Don't worry about me.”

none yah business on June 17, 2018

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"All covered in thick ruby carpets. they writhed in every direction, up and down side to side, like escaped blood veins before they disappeared into the black beyond" From the book Legendary, I'm not feeling so great about disappearing into the black beyond

.....m on June 17, 2018

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"What are you in for?"-1984

P-o-t-a-t-o on June 17, 2018

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"The pain was already half-forgotten"

baked potato on June 17, 2018

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“What... what are you doing?”

Serena on June 18, 2018

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"The last time I'd seen him, he'd been bald"

I Don't Know on June 18, 2018


Noted. I kid you not, my book said noted. I'm trying again...

OddGirlOut42 on June 18, 2018


Cara stood and began backing away from the gryphon, holding the sphere between them like a shield. ...Wtf?

OddGirlOut42 on June 18, 2018

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id hate to get in a bath with one

harper on June 20, 2018

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men run along alleys banging on doors

somone1111111 on June 20, 2018

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"Once she's gone I would say that the warden has left the prison yard, because the ducks break their huddle and head right to me." by Holly Goldberg Sloan.

angiepanda on June 20, 2018

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"'Aunt Beast, do you know Mrs. Whatsit?'" From: A Wrinkle In Time

butiwannabeapotato on June 20, 2018


“They'll pat us on the back for locking you up.” From “The Resistance”. Does the quote make my relationship criminal?

awesomeguy21 on June 22, 2018

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'' I'm going with you''

moodposter on June 22, 2018

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"Are you really going to make me beg?" SO TRUE

Danielle on June 23, 2018

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"We all rely on the Earth's natural resources to live." I find this so relatable

no on June 24, 2018

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Nate, she asks, just how many teachers wrote you up all of em, i say

MentorMatt on June 24, 2018

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Cameras rolling! Someone calls out. From the book out of my mind

Ava on June 24, 2018

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"The beast that ascenders out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." ------------ should I be worried about this?

Grace on June 24, 2018

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“When i go into my room, i look achingly at my bed” LMAO

Ash on June 25, 2018

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"Virgil Earp got his pose together and headed to the coral where the enemy was already entrenched."

Adam on June 25, 2018

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"A mixture; but to all intents and purposes they're the same thing now," said Lupin." Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows page 206

Ella on June 25, 2018

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When we are upset, dissapointed, frustrated, or angry it is difficult to communicate lovingly.

Amillade on June 26, 2018

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"thats old news"

potato on June 26, 2018

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This "Zoo-Wee Mama" thing has really got me worked up.

Turtle4ever on June 27, 2018

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"I thought you two were so close," Brooklyn says, her voice dripping with fake sympathy.

Kythefly64 on June 27, 2018

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"Missiles and Rockets Agreement"

guest on June 27, 2018

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The tone of his voice startles me, and for a second my mind spins blankly.

Felix on June 28, 2018


your not invited- the prophecy of bane

pupperoni on June 28, 2018

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"Finger acid" - Angels & Demons

Mrs.PotatoHead on June 29, 2018

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"The Smell Of the Vomit Was Overpowering"

aacc99 on June 29, 2018

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design sketches of the uniform link wears as an apprentice train track engineer. From "hyrule historia"

jhv on June 30, 2018

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"About the money..."

Angel on July 1, 2018

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No joke,I had literally got ''Chaos" as a the first sentence,which happened to be a one word sentence.

Potato McPotatoface on July 1, 2018

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The book I picked up didn't even have 206 pages. therefore it is non-existent. How accurate.

Groot on July 2, 2018

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"Despite the lack of overt sexual content and the general sweet mood, the love triangles are truly passionate, involving real /Romeo and Juliet/ level problems, not mere misunderstandings that could be solved if people talked to one another." ... Okay then. (A review book)

Kitsune on July 2, 2018

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"Might have been the tracker jacker venom making me imagining things," I say -The Hunger Games Is my book telling me that I'm going to get stung by a fictional wasp and the venom will make me imagine my love life? That sucks. The odds are NOT in my favor.

kjnfevutqebyt4net71 4 1 on July 2, 2018

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I got “In case you need to go to the bathroom” (dog's don't tell jokes)

Tomato on July 4, 2018

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"Harry hesitated" Makes sense! ._.

AshnaR on July 5, 2018

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I did it and I got "The animal lay in a desperate state" (From the book, "The Valley Of Secrets".) Random... Don't even ask me what it means cuz I don't know either.

PotatoesR4Eating on July 7, 2018

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"I am coming quickly"

-- on July 8, 2018

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"For a while they just sat there, getting their breath back."

Banana on July 9, 2018

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'You shall ride my horse'

dragon on July 9, 2018

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He'd probably come over here now and smash my head in with a bat for nearly drowning him- All the bright places.

Potato on July 10, 2018

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my page was blank...

Tree on July 10, 2018

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"He was wrong there." -Sophie's World, a novel about the history of philosophy by Jostein Gaarder

love is an onion on July 11, 2018

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...OTHER RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUPS (JACOBSON & GOULD, 2009) FROM: ab)normal psychology sixth edition

JordANBaTgIrL on July 11, 2018

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They will seek guidance at abel. This perfectly describes my love life.

Ebony Maw on July 11, 2018

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I got "This was a mistake."

aZDxjhdxfughjdk;as;dslkfa on July 11, 2018

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I got “What's going on?” Jason said

Potatoessssssss on July 13, 2018

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i got illustration credits

yo on July 14, 2018

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-THERE!- squeaked lucy and reached for the potato which turned out to be the stone.

fml on July 16, 2018

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I got 'It's strange being here by myself.'

anonymous on July 16, 2018

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From 'Amelia Westlake' Erin Gough 'It's strange being here by myself.'

anonymous on July 16, 2018

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"...Sh*t. Bastards. Lost it all, thanks to a Pit of Self-Doubt treble" from "Consider Phlebas" by Ian M. Banks

Harry on July 17, 2018

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The Odyssey by Homer "So he pronounced,dedicating his first sacrings to the Eternal Gods" What. The. Hell.

Imatater on July 18, 2018

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I tricked two of my friends into this. They got "impossible" and "deformity".

Tangent on July 19, 2018

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"Leigh stands there, blinks once."

ur mom on July 19, 2018

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"You were just convincing someone to do something they already wanted to do."

skidaddleskidoodle on July 19, 2018

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For a minute I lie there in the soggy grass, gasping for breath. Man my love life is sad :c

Bored on July 19, 2018

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'he made it across without faltering' Wolf Brother page 206

Grace on July 21, 2018

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"We must think about this."

Potato on July 21, 2018

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"Aldwyn looked over his shoulder and saw that it was homing in on them, the snout breathing excitedly and tugging at its chain." ("The Familiars" by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson).

CaScooter on July 21, 2018

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I'm not sure if I'm the one tugging on the chain or if I'm Aldwyn.

CaScooter on July 21, 2018

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It'd be an honor to work in the city, but for him, it'd be a curse.

Gordon Hayward#20 on July 21, 2018

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Crouching in some bushes, looking at the steepness of the roof and the small metal ladder that led to the top, Finn said, "The Overtakers have got to assume we'll come for Maybeck."

Disney Fan on July 21, 2018

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"tale of being an outsider." LITERALLY IM DESTINED BE ALONE

I'm alone for life on July 21, 2018

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moves towards the coil C1.

yashasvi on July 22, 2018

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I got " " literally a blank page.


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Here my memory defeats my skill, for that cross so flamed forth Christ that I can find it no fit consumption; but he that takes up his Cross and follows Christ shall yet forgive me for what I leave untold, when he sees Christ flash in that dawn. - The Divine Comedy 3: paradiso

sam on July 26, 2018


i got from dork diary #5 " dear miss know-it-all"

superunicorn on July 27, 2018

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“Invent a detector and don't waste more time!”

blurryeyes on July 28, 2018

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"-far away voices and laughter." From one of the Anne of green gables books.

Wrinkly Old Potatp on July 31, 2018

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"Everyone we pass or meet is looking at me either with amusement or disapproval" -Give Me One Good Reason

Lauren GIllis on July 31, 2018

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You cut the rope!

potato on August 1, 2018

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I got an empty page !!! what a luck !!!!!

Fatemah on August 1, 2018

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“He'd Just Needed A Break” (wow ok. Rude)

Gaby I Guess on August 2, 2018

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"Murder Used to be Shocking" (From the Cat who Lived High)

Ben on August 3, 2018

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I got an empty page

Pedro Andrade on August 4, 2018

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"What am I doing here?"

avacado on August 4, 2018

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'He stepped forward and the white queen pounced'-Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Katya on August 5, 2018

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It's here! Wednesday's epic adventure!

... on August 7, 2018

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"Run for your lives!" yelped Goody-Goody Gordon. Horrid Henry 3-in-1 book I found. I mean, it makes sense.

I was born on August 12, 2018

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"So, watched your Hunt today--- you did good," she continued, as I slid into the seat and began on my food. "Smart yo herd all those little monsters into one pack; that made it a lot more impressive." - from Hunter by Mercedes Lackey.

Christina on August 13, 2018

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“I know the chariot ride will require Peeta and me to be dressed in something coal related.” — from book 2 of the Hungar Games, Catching Fire.

Katniss cuz why not? on August 16, 2018

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I got "A small bird sails down into the valley through the thick sheets of rain, some small, squirming creature caught in its claws." Not quite sure how that connects with my love life though...

Ella on August 20, 2018

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the page was blank.

E.J. Wang on August 22, 2018

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'And how jealous he was.'

Anonymous on August 22, 2018

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"below is a review of price skimming strategies" -foundations of marketing

dane on August 23, 2018

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"I know. I'm very hard to talk to. I realize that." Catcher in the Rye

Grey on August 24, 2018

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"Also, the use of computers enabled us to simulate what such systems do, which provides us with a (sometimes inadequate) substiture for mathematical proof" is the book telling me to use tinder

The Nerd on August 26, 2018

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"Obstacle is the way"

Very Mysterious on August 27, 2018

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I got "that should be obvious"

Kyra Stillman on August 27, 2018

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"One historian estimates that several hundred women disguised themselves as men and enlisted; one of the, Deborah Sampson of Massachusetts, was the subject of a sensational biography after the war and became the first american women to embark on a lecture tour."

Carson H on September 4, 2018

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a firms revenue is rs.2000

Basant on September 4, 2018

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"In order to talk about events from the past, Spanish uses two simple tenses: The preterite and the imperfect." Huh, oddly poetic, coming from my Spanish textbook :)

Queen on September 6, 2018

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emotional states

alex on September 10, 2018

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I opened it to a blank page.

potato on September 11, 2018

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"you're screwed up" - lol quite accurate

Meg on September 11, 2018

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"He stepped forward and the white queen pounced." Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Im really confused.

kawaii potato on September 12, 2018

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I got "Hey, you've got to start somewhere with flirtatious banter." from Notes From My Captivity lmaooo

easypeasylemonsqueasy on September 13, 2018

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I got "Bitch you know what that is" xD

Mori on September 14, 2018

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" The other had some skin disease in his original life."

Aliya Murphy on September 17, 2018

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“Well, I left it in the library.” Surprisingly accurate.

Sophia on September 18, 2018

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... i got the dictionary

uhh on September 19, 2018

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... i got the dictionary "Christian Era" Oh lord

uhh on September 19, 2018

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"my career continued to flourish after the finalization of my divorce in 1971. "

sam on September 19, 2018

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of, resembling of, or characteristic of a churl- marriam Webster collegiate dictionary

boioi on September 20, 2018

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" just finishing off "

Kate on September 21, 2018

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I got a blank page. What kind of book has a blank page in the middle?!

a person on September 21, 2018

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I turned to page 206 and I found a empty page with a ghost on it. My love life is really unbelievable, because it is non-existent

Lala on September 21, 2018

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"A mixture; but to all intents and purposes they're the same thing now," Said Lupin. (Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows)

Taylar on September 22, 2018

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Simon snorted

I_AM_A_POTATO on September 22, 2018

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She saw him get up.

Pseudonym on September 29, 2018

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"All the peasants and all the women have drunk up all they possessed, and now they can't pay us any rent."

Anna Karenina on September 29, 2018

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Has she been presented? I do not remember her name

theforgottenoneapparently on September 29, 2018

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"Eventually my hatred for peter and my belief in putnam (her advice had after all gotten me this far) got the best of me."

connor on September 29, 2018

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"A sorceress indeed!"

bob on October 1, 2018

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"Apply what you know" lol i shouldn't

today's_halloween on October 1, 2018

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" I should probably hit myself in the head with a bat."

Spooky month on October 3, 2018

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I got “it was my dearest friend” From dragon slippers by Jessica Day George

Dragon 565 on October 4, 2018

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I was slowly drying up wondering what idioticy I committed (to kill a mockingbird bird)

scarlet on October 5, 2018

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"stop wait for me!!"

m on October 6, 2018

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"wich pain reliever is best?". my stats book

rib on October 9, 2018

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"They tried to hide here, I guess" Zero Repeat Forever

potato on October 9, 2018

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"He was still in bed." That was from Einstein, a life XD

ANDREW on October 10, 2018

Guest Icon very important. If your mother had not died."

awsxdcvfbgn on October 10, 2018

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"What... what are you doing?" from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

nhgf moljd on October 10, 2018

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I got "Reymie shrugged "A bit dusty I imagine" (The Mysterious Benedict Society)

Me on October 11, 2018

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"Umar was not kidding."

Rae on October 11, 2018

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eating sweet potato though

oof on October 11, 2018

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''The three of us climbed out of the car'' From ''Arthur'' a shaggy dog story.

Mike on October 14, 2018

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can i just say it is disgusting

fortnite_goddess on October 15, 2018

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I got "A mixture; but to all intents and purposes they're the same thing now." Harry Potter book 7

Julian on October 17, 2018

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Father sighed with disappointment. - The Giver. Wow, I'm trying again

Cinderfur on October 20, 2018

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“You know the boy from my district? Peeta? I think he saved my life.” I say. “If he did, it was probably just part of his act. You know, to make people think he'd in love with me.” — The Hunger Games. Somewhat better, not really tho

Cinderfur on October 20, 2018

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Cinderfur on October 20, 2018


“It's funny to crush worms or throw stones at cats.” -Curios incident of the dog and the nite time. Page 206.

MANGOMAN on October 25, 2018

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"carbon formulae during our chemistry lessons"

yes im a potato on October 25, 2018

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The Dark Prophecy, by Rick Riordan, "Well," I said, "now that we're warm and dry, I suppose it's time to get in the water again"

DRAGOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!! on October 27, 2018

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I got "what girl?" Said Blain And my sister got "are you ready to die?"

Worlds end and rabbit in on October 27, 2018

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i got "im just on my own, providing for 3"

lilly ellen on October 28, 2018

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Mine was "You NAMED him?"

someone on October 30, 2018

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parable,you find that it interprets you-and in multiple ways.

someone on October 31, 2018

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parable,you find that it interprets you-and in multiple ways.

someone on halloween on October 31, 2018

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The Spud Lamp was a big hit at the science fair.

erzascarlet on November 4, 2018

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English Partner got "Leave me". I died

Piggynator100 on November 5, 2018

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"Perfectly describes my love life" Quote Anonymous friend 2018

Piggynator100 on November 5, 2018

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"Ford, Zaphod, and Trillian were watching the visiscreen intently." They're more interested than I am.

GamerDude7 on November 5, 2018

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I swallowed the bite I had only half chewed

Guest on November 8, 2018

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T-T "All anyone talked about at the complex was that you had broken out and were in the surrounding forest somewhere" T-T I am going to be lost running away from my love, and her really wanting to catch me and hurt me T-T

Jasim on November 8, 2018

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“Nein,” he whispered.

Guest on November 10, 2018

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i like computers alot

bobby on November 11, 2018

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I got "Belgian slope arm sofa"

bugy on November 11, 2018

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"Oh right", I backtrack quickly.

eve on November 12, 2018

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"What- What are you doing?"

name because I needed one on November 15, 2018

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whoa that glitched

name because I needed one on November 15, 2018

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surprise me with a visit

jose on November 15, 2018

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"For months we wrote to each other, about anything and everything."-from Someday, by David Levithan. I guess it makes sense ha.

Dylan on November 15, 2018

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"But I think we pushed our luck, because we ran into some OTHER people we knew." -Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Getaway (XD)

Nate on November 15, 2018

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"Every piece fit together effortlessly; not quite country but not quite rock and roll." -The Darkest Minds. kinda sweet, and the scene is liam and ruby (a couple) singing along to the radio.

mary on November 16, 2018

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By 1990, it was clear that it would be hard to... It's a history book and it isn't in English, and I'm too lazy to translate the whole sentence

Someone on November 18, 2018

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"He started to say no, then reconsidered."

Salaaad on November 19, 2018

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"It affects our grades, so we have to do it even if we know the material already"

Potato on November 22, 2018

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"Then I felt something weird around my waist" pg 206 dork diaries

Posted on November 26, 2018

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"I know I can't stay in this bathroom forever, but I was too nervous."

cool on November 26, 2018

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"Never Happening"

DaPotato on November 29, 2018

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In The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman: "if there were one job that gave mo the creeps, it was cleaning up the science labs." ????????????????????????

but i am a potato! on November 30, 2018

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I got ' I started to get the hang of it '

bink on December 3, 2018

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"Everything you were taught at school."

urboinewton on December 3, 2018

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I punched Jem. No joke, read To Kill a Mockingbird.

GrapeDragon on December 6, 2018

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"we all wear masks" from Love Her Wild by Atticus

oh well on December 6, 2018

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what are you doing, harry potter book for pretty much sums it up

funnyguy on December 6, 2018

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"you can do this," WHY

Lauren on December 6, 2018

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"Begin by lying facedown on the floor, with your feet together and your hands by your side.".....Well then

wow on December 8, 2018

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'Rubbish' ......

Jada on December 12, 2018

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"Well, i didn't see this coming."

bean on December 12, 2018

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"Eating pearly cakes of light snowflakes and drinking moonshine"

Aleah Zimmerman on December 13, 2018

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i got "off in the somewhat confined space" (it's from the book siren's song)

jani on December 16, 2018

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now, this pious Master Dimmesdale, in the hot passion of his heart

TechieB on December 17, 2018

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Mine didn't have a page 206. My love life doesn't exist.

Me on December 17, 2018

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there is no page 206

dadadadaDOOOOOO! on December 17, 2018

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"It feels wrong to play with their system"

A Potato on December 30, 2018

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no books in the house maybe this means i'm forever alone

nottelling on December 31, 2018

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The first sentence on page 206 was; "No." he whispered. I am still thinking about what that could possibly mean.

comical on January 5, 2019

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Haven't you learned to knock? -Snape 2018 - The Cursed Child

⭐Rensdetovenaar⭐ on January 12, 2019

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she blinked her eyes rapidly and against the rhythm until the redness before them cleared and he could see. - a wrinkle in time. I'm confused now.

vita on January 13, 2019

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I stayed invisible

jason on January 19, 2019

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"You knew he was never really there in the first place, right?

notexactlyshakespere411 on January 19, 2019

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Original - “Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend!” Translation - “That damned old lady! Oh, that most wicked fiend!” - No fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Potato on January 21, 2019

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From Harry Potter- the first book

Mops on January 27, 2019

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I got “a click of fate”

Me on January 27, 2019

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My book didn't have a page 206.

Guest on January 27, 2019

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"she had... other matters to deal with."

12555661 on February 1, 2019

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Alex on February 4, 2019

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"Yes, but--" from the book The Innocent by Harlan Coben

Abioye on February 8, 2019

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"Her life had officially turned into a fairy tale gone wrong." Yep, sounds accurate.

Midnight on February 10, 2019

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"Nonsense." Beautiful Creatures

digitzz on February 10, 2019

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5. 9x^3-6x^2+3x-5/3x

ur mom on February 15, 2019

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"could not go to university because he'd be the target of mockery." Crooked Kingdom. Not sure how that describes my love life?

Me on February 17, 2019

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''Probably what this meant was that we'd ALL die instead of just me, but I was grateful for the help.'' Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, Rick Riordan. This isn't going to end well, huh?

potatoes on February 19, 2019

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"Put a good spin on this attepmt to take the money and run." (accurate)

Yeetus on February 26, 2019

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"I woke up in the wrong bed at midday" WTF

weehee on March 4, 2019

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"They fought about me a lot."

Lisagna on March 6, 2019

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"I have no unreasonable fear of bats, knowing them for timid little cratures, yet I hnew them too for carriers of the dread "Hydrophbia," for witch there was no specific." ???

cojoloco on March 15, 2019

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they all started miming old ladies, smacking their lips together.

oof on March 24, 2019

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MockingBird on April 3, 2019

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"I have no reason to fear you" i am dieing

Armada on April 9, 2019

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"Real good." ............. CHIEF THIS AIN'T IT. (The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer)

Me :) on April 16, 2019

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i got "nothing could be as important returning this to it's rightful owner" i hate when these are right

moo on April 24, 2019

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Inside, something glowed with heat

imaPotato on May 1, 2019

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Lord Of The Flies Page 206 "I said 'smoke'! We've got to have smoke." I wonder what this means for my love life....

LeftyDog on May 2, 2019

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That's nothing. One time I ate an entire jalapeno. -Hyperbole And A Half,by Allie Brosh

Moon on May 8, 2019

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He stepped forward and the white queen pounced.

eleanoraintfunny on May 15, 2019

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Air is sucked in through your nose and mouth as your diaphragm pulls your lungs down and your chest muscles pull your ribs up and out. - from an anatomy book

Me on May 17, 2019

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mine was a blank page :(

re on May 29, 2019

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"books were thrown; memebers rushed up and down the isles like madmen, exchanging hot words, with clenched fists and set teeth." -PRESIDENTS a biographical dictionary, page 206 (yup that about describes it)

Isa T. on July 14, 2019

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"Reason which, having attained to a glimpse of the cognitive process, has grasped it unintelligently in a way that takes the outer to be the expression of the inner." -Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit( I have no idea what this means)

a human on July 14, 2019

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“But be careful; you are one who might achieve your desire.”

Random on July 19, 2019

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I don't doubt it could have still killed her and Lionheart without the other treecats, but it was already dead- it just didn't know it yet. I'm reading David Weber's "A beautiful friendship" I'm so sad right now.

Confuzzeled on July 22, 2019

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She really looked like she was ready to kill someone to protect him. Is this a sign?

Donutwonut on July 27, 2019

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"a group of people traveling through a dessert"

nunya on July 30, 2019

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i didn´t do it

bob on August 12, 2019

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"Were not doing anything."

okay_lol on August 16, 2019

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"I didn't think I was looking for a fight."

Hmmm on August 21, 2019

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Page 206 of my A.A. book..."Then the miracle happened ME ! "

MyDogCallsMeWoof on September 6, 2019

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What-what are you doing?

sparkle fish on September 15, 2019

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"Didn't you?" Also, this doesn't really work very well

Inherently Funny Guest on October 9, 2019

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Fear rose so quickly it left me dizzy, almost numb.

Bob on October 10, 2019

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inadvertently hit a German mine and sank. (ww2 German weapons)

dunkin on October 21, 2019

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"he was very tall and fit looking."

noob on November 11, 2019

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Unlike their manners, their taste is impeccable.

Abel on November 13, 2019

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i'll ask lady alarice- whom i beleive you've met-to send someone to aroughs who is skilled in the art of reading minds. - inheritance

miniman 123 on November 27, 2019

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I got "what did that mean". This makes sense because I don't want a love life.

Somebody random on December 8, 2019

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Help! Some maniacs are opening me on page 206 to find out about their "love life"

A book on December 8, 2019


“What do you mean, Dorothy and the Nome King got married?”-From Dorothy must die's 4th book. I'm scared

Smallchildrenno on December 18, 2019

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you taught him to fist-bump?

brephhh on December 18, 2019

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"It's not the same"- Matched ...true indeed

nunya on December 27, 2019

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"The Andes and other mountain ranges run the length of Mexico, Central America, and South America" Ahh, enlightening...

Epiq Gaymer on February 11, 2020

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What's going on here? I'm scared now.

Nova on February 21, 2020

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Have you ever seen the king?

I will die on February 22, 2020

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"I snap back awake." - They Both Die at the End. Well, I guess that's pretty true.

HelloCutie on February 23, 2020

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"British boys." ... okay,

A disaster happened on February 24, 2020

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"Well, obviously I have the lemur, so can we please proceed?"

Some girl in class on March 10, 2020

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I'm reading the book 'Other Words for Home' by Jasmine Warga, and here's what it says: “Jude, those parts aren't for girls like us.” (It's talking about parts in a play, btw.)

I'm bored in quarantine on March 28, 2020

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the nearest book was a math book and i got this: For each possible tens digit, 1 through 9, determine each possible units digit (that differs by 3 from the 10s digit).

not gona tell ya on March 28, 2020

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"I'm out of shape."

Moxie on March 31, 2020

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she went upstairs to her room and pulled out the spidermap- ruby redfort, take your last breath

hornyniggacumballs on March 31, 2020

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Didn't think it was the right thing to do

hi on April 2, 2020

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i did it with a harry potter book...

Voldemort on April 2, 2020

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"Don't believe in those gods and myths, they're too dangerous."

haha on April 7, 2020

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'The lift was empty when it came'. makes sense -.- ( Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, page 206)

Why did Fred Weasley die on April 19, 2020

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Is it bad that i don't have a page 206? Lol XD

Anna on April 20, 2020

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We is what i got. Is that good?

ThatKidViolet on April 24, 2020

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We hardly blame them for throwing us in the cellar. Wow. Just. Wow. Idk what that means but it's freaking hilarious!

DarkCrystal123 on April 24, 2020

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"Anyway," said Adam, "You've got it all wrong about witches."

potato on May 3, 2020

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"wouldn't care, but there will always be jerks out there, and there will be those who just fundamentally don't understand bisexuality."

swingset on May 5, 2020

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A king has to please somebody, after all.

The hero of ages on May 13, 2020

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She knew you would come here, said shard

haha on May 13, 2020

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"He found himself staring down the length of Scathach's sword, the tip of which she held rock steady between his eyes." O O F

CJ on May 20, 2020

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"Did you... Um..."

im not telling on May 23, 2020

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the day is on May 26, 2020

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(It was the dictionary) horrifying, alarming, shocking, distressing, appaling, harrowing; ghastly, fearful, horrendous. Boy, am I in for a ride.

Net on June 1, 2020

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I got “Alive and miserable”

Chole on June 2, 2020

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if there wasn't a 206 that don't have a love life

lil ramin on June 2, 2020

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I got 'Someone opened the door and the candle blew out.' From the dictionary. Apparently someone's gonna tromp into my love life and end it forever. Great.

Luna on June 6, 2020

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So does this mean that I'm gonna have to GIVE UP ON MY CRUSH?!

Luna on June 6, 2020

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I got "I was slowly drying up, wondering what idiocy I had committed." hahahaha

grace on June 7, 2020

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"Sinkhole." :(

bumblebee on June 14, 2020

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"Two hours later, we were done."

The Book on June 17, 2020

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“Healthy sevens know that often 'less is more.'” That was... disappointing. I'm not even a 7.

Person Woman on July 4, 2020

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I got "I...I was so upset" :(

Guest on July 5, 2020

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a satisfacion that goes beond the physical needs

pico on July 13, 2020

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"I had an idea." (The Dragon Pearl)

Stap i couldve dropped my on July 16, 2020

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and the mine superior escorted them to the main caver and madame weather berry woke them up from there sleep (a tale of magic) WTF is that supost to be

AMBER on August 4, 2020

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I got "when the air is still the body acts as an insulator because air is a poor conduct of heat"

hi on September 6, 2020

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I got at the moment, she would rather be becca than a pig.

Rioioioioio on October 8, 2020

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I got he hesitated lmao

Lol on October 8, 2020

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It was Saturday morning....?

Quirk on October 17, 2020

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I got a dictionary and it said: "Terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, awful, dire; horrifying, alarming, shocking, distressing, etc" LOL

person on October 21, 2020

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Felissa said. "Who knew our lives might depend on it?" (Princess Academy The Forgotten Sister, Page 206)

Marie on October 24, 2020

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So, my life relies on love?

Marie on October 24, 2020

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In Shelby's story a dog way home tale it says "for what pit bull fans might do to encourage others to reconsider their view of the breed" this really confused me what does it mean

Tiffany on October 26, 2020

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in harry potter and the deathly hallows i got: "a mixture; but to all intents and purposes they`re the same thing now," said Lupin.

go_POOF! on November 9, 2020

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from my Biology book - "If you live in Australia, learning the difference between species of hermit crabs is not just a school lesson; it can keep you out of jail!" I LOOOOOOOOOVE ANIMALS!! AND I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO AUSTRALIA!!!! How ironic!!!

@n!m@l_<3_R on November 27, 2020

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It's my social studies book- "Immediately after pearl harbor, fear and anger swept across the United States.

l on December 8, 2020

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"They then snuck through shadows, carrying the heavy ropes over their shoulders, and reached the backside of the attraction." Kingdom Keepers Disney After Dark

ChaseMyst~TheFurryWeeb on December 22, 2020

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"Kids, do not try this at home." Magnus Chase book 2

jim on January 13, 2021

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i'm in for a ride

jim on January 13, 2021

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I got, “Fine boys, no doubt”

Bored girl on January 29, 2021

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“Don't worry about it,” C.B. said. (from Crosstalk)

Cheeseball on February 5, 2021

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I got "There was consternation at this." ...I probably won't have a good love life lol

help on February 25, 2021

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“Inevitably, yes,” said Lorenzo

Ummm what. on February 25, 2021

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Cole took a deep breath.

cookie on March 4, 2021

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Ummm... is mine gonna come out of no where!!!!! cuz mine is above this !!!!!

cookie on March 4, 2021

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I grabbed a math book. The first sentence was "Answer the question." Deep.

Nate on March 12, 2021

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ummmmmmmmmmmm im in a libery do i have to read every single book

you posted this:) on March 15, 2021

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i got a breed of fish with a photo

Ellie on March 23, 2021

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We wintered good

DallinMC on April 15, 2021

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"despite the depth of her hatred for him"

. on April 21, 2021

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“He just wanted to eat and sleep.”

Umm hi on April 27, 2021

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"Do you ever feel imbalanced, stressed out, or empty inside"

ME on September 1, 2021

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I could tell she was the same mix of excited with a sprinkle of scared. - I Will Always Right Back. Love this one.

Coco on October 9, 2021

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I got "Haruslah engkau mengasihi Tuhan,Allahmu,- Wait Do Indonesian Bibles Count?

IDontWannaTellUMyName on November 7, 2021

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i plan to spend the entire night

no name on December 15, 2021

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"He was going berserk again, and seemed to be trying to levitate himself off the ground"...I'm scared now.

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 5, 2022

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My Stat textbook was on my desk. I got "Can Magnets Help Reduce Pain?"

mathguy on January 23, 2022

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What do we do.

the fish on February 25, 2022

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The first ending i was reading dog man

landon on March 15, 2022

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I Grabbed A Dog-Man Book LOL

Hello, The Book Owner. on March 19, 2022

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I drew my breath and tried to rein in my anger. - a book. That explains alot.

Albatross on April 9, 2022

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tears well up and hannah gave in

that straight guy on April 19, 2022

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I got "And what in the world did you two do?" WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!

Nadia on April 27, 2022

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Great, I’m stuck in a cave with this attention seeking idiot.

Bruhlol on May 10, 2022

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"maybe we'll try the second target

Ananoumys on May 18, 2022

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"Whatever he might say, this strange man has not yet totally succeeded in killing his heart."

me on June 29, 2022

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206th page of “The Land Of Stories, The Enchantress Returns” Rumpelstiltskin let out a heavy sigh. Don’t have a love life yet… Not looking good though haha

Okay on July 7, 2022

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as Abbey stood poised to turn out the light in the garage, a terrifying question occurred to her: what next?

you on September 9, 2022

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"The drag of the pack on his shoulders" That literally describes girls

fdt,kuf on November 18, 2022

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I got “don’t go on” :( but I love *them*

I-am-kool on December 6, 2022

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"...just a touch so hopefully dad doesn't flick the radio off." huh???

person on December 20, 2022

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"The course of this equilibrium exchange reaction is followed by starting with the inorganic phosphate labeled with the radioactive isotope 32P (indicated by color) and unlabeled glucose 1-phosphate."

other person on December 28, 2022

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The right hand C atom is bonded to another C atom and a Br atom (A-Level Chemistry for OCR)

ABoredGuy on January 18, 2023

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"Ron loves Hermione" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

useless on February 11, 2023

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"Lucky skunks i hate this desk job" -Farside comic

4tre,gf[oker[o'itgi[ojfpo on March 23, 2023

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i got "She asked her husband which subject to sign up for" i wonder what does that means

Tony on April 12, 2023

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I got "That's why I'll always fight beside her." That's sweet!

NekoOfAnime on April 17, 2023

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“They might as well let us both come,” he said, gruffly (divine rivals by Rebecca Ross) Idk how to feel about that

OMG on December 3, 2023

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“…and the other half will freak out and blab.” - Masterminds, by Gordon Korman.

🦜 on March 9, 2024

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I think I'm losing my mind

I don't know you choose on March 19, 2024

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"So you're not going with the bae?" Omg I also just broke up with my girlfriend!!

TheWitchGeek on May 22, 2024

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"I wanted to kiss her, there in the darkness" haha

omgcrazy on June 11, 2024

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"well i get really scared so sorry if i scream really loud in your ear"

i like potatos on November 7, 2024

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I got “She kicked aside the pieces of the broken cube”

Dude on February 3, 2025

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