Funny Things to Do

Ten Things I Know About You

1. You are reading this
2. You think I am ridiculous
3. You can not breath while holding your tongue out
5. You just tried that, and you look like a panting dog
6. You just skipped 4
7. You checked to see if there was a 4
8. You are now laughing at yourself
9. You will probably share this with someone


Added by a Guest on June 20, 2018 | You Like This |


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lol yes but I can breth with tounge out

a person on June 24, 2018

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You forgot 10

Potato on June 24, 2018

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No, I didn't, I wanted to see how many people noticed!

Person who wrote this on June 26, 2018

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Shame... But also hilarious

Amillade on June 26, 2018



Turtles4ever on June 28, 2018

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4. you like pizza

derpysaurus on June 29, 2018

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That was 8

Lolme on June 30, 2018

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You Forgot 10, And I Think Most of Us Can Breath With Our Tongues Out.

MaNameIsSomething on July 1, 2018

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Only 8 things.

I need to poo on July 4, 2018

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Umm... I see these all the time and I saw the three so numbers 3-9 are wrong. You failed.

I AM THE POTATO on July 4, 2018

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You should do more of these!

Amanda Blue on July 16, 2018

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I did notice you missed 4 so you don't know me at all ;( disappointed

Name on July 19, 2018

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this guy is a mastermind

saviour dela merced on July 24, 2018

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Omg, genious

Jen on August 2, 2018

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I knew this rubbish old trick, man I'm bored that's not such way to calm me.... just yakkss

What if on August 3, 2018

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I fell for it . . .

Your Name. NO! YOUR NAME! on August 5, 2018

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REEEE i died laughing at this

potato on August 9, 2018

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short person boiiiiiiiiii on August 15, 2018

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dope on August 31, 2018

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DARN! I did everything it said. no joke.

kawaii potato on September 12, 2018

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I literally did everything on the list... except I AM able to breathe with my tongue out so HA!

asdf on September 16, 2018

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10. You realised I spelt breathe wrong

peep on September 27, 2018

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u got me goood

the ultimate potato on September 27, 2018

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That Potato on October 5, 2018

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Damn, i didn't expect this! It was hilarious hahahahah

Random Commenter on October 11, 2018

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hi on November 5, 2018

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*holds tongue out while holding nose* Shure I can breathe wif mah togue out (misspelled on purpose, Grammernazi)

Guest on November 7, 2018

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this is HILLARIOUS, i was in science at school and i was so bored and i found this and i got in trouble cause i was laughing so hard! hahahaha!!

that girl on November 13, 2018

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NOBODY on November 14, 2018

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i love these

mysterious on November 23, 2018

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read my name.

i farted on November 23, 2018

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lol nope

bully on December 14, 2018

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*sigh* very funny

potato on January 1, 2019

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hahahahahaha the has go on forever...

notexactlyshakespere411 on January 19, 2019

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LoveSick on February 14, 2019

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7 on May 20, 2019

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thank you for this

choochootrain on May 24, 2019

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There is no 4, and no 10, but who cares?

Olivia0livia on June 1, 2019

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potato on August 25, 2019

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I literally did every single thing this said!!! :) ;)

Patato on August 26, 2019

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This is absolute genius and HILARIOUS

LSR on September 20, 2019

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how the heck

WTF on September 30, 2019

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that's only 8

...yes on November 1, 2019

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Die! Die! Die! 1. I shall give you the useless web

Kitty on November 30, 2019

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Wait... I know you!

Wags on November 30, 2019

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Wags! Welcome to the family!

Kitty on November 30, 2019

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Smells like a joke... I m actually Wolfy!

Kwebblekop on November 30, 2019

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Oh no!

Everyone on November 30, 2019

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We're not falling for it.

Kitty on November 30, 2019

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1. You are looking at your screen and reading this 2. Obama was a president 3. Yo mama jokes aren't always funny 4. You realize those two words rhyme 5. You are waiting for something better for me to tell you 5. You are still waiting 7. I'll just tell you I skipped 6 and put 2 5's 8. I am starting to lose ideas and I really don't know what what else to type 9. Read number 8 again slowly 10. You realize I put 2 what's

YaYeH yAyEh on January 10, 2020

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There was only 8

Potato chip on January 23, 2020

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good one!

FAITHDOG2097 on February 8, 2020


Hah, I did none of them! get naned

PortulTM on February 13, 2020

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Comedy gold : )

Rosie on April 7, 2020

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lol i love it. xD

YaLikeJazz on May 28, 2020

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You only listed 8 things and you said you knew 10, so.... suck it

Tally on June 4, 2020

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I just did them all except 9.

A human on September 14, 2020

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lolololololololol i love this I did everything it said I would as I read it lolololol

awesomcatsnotflying on November 11, 2020

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thanks for getting me out of the most boring class of my life

jim on January 13, 2021

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IDontWannaTellUMyName on November 7, 2021

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I-am-kool on December 6, 2022

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hes magic

nutz on November 7, 2024

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