Funny Jobs

Star Salesman

Someone who "sells" stars on the internet for a few thousand dollars.


Added by a Guest on August 3, 2018 | You Like This |


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your gray lo XB EGGSD

no u on December 19, 2018

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epic on December 19, 2018

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Yes id like to buy Sirius off ya for 3,000 bucks.

derpderp4 on November 8, 2019

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so people are selling balls of gas that could be bigger than earth how do you get that in your house?

harry potato on July 22, 2020

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Ah, guess i gotta get a use some pym particles and get a Dyson vacuum… wait, that is the right kind of vacuum, isn’t it?

I existed on on March 22, 2022

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Ha, you fool. You said you existed on on March 22, 2022, YOU COMPLETE INCOMPETENT FOOL! I AM THE PERFECT VERSION OF YOU!

I existed on March 22, 2022

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what am i doing here on April 2, 2024

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