Funny Observations

You Can Hold Your Breath for the Rest of Your Life

Think about it.


Added by thereal152 on September 3, 2018 | You Like This |


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Actually, you can't. You lose consciousness before actually dying and your unconscious brain would start your breathing again.

Aurora on September 12, 2018

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I dont get it

Potatoe on September 17, 2018

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Think about it. you breath out, take your hand and then grab that air.

Shadow on September 24, 2018

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Uh, no you can't

YEET on October 22, 2018


no you don't

thereal152 on October 31, 2018

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17 people have died because of this post.

potatoe on December 23, 2018

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THE HUMAN on January 3, 2019

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lol i get it

buuuuuurrrrr on February 15, 2019

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In real life, your primal instincts prevent you from doing this with just your own hands. You'd need something/someone else to help you. Good one though.

oilrigsareoxidized on March 23, 2019

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okey dokey here i go! **breath in***

icky on March 31, 2019

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*inhales* *holds breath* *dies* I did it

Troy on December 3, 2019

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technically you could.Yes you would die shortly after but that would mean you'd held your breath for the rest of ur life.

melisa on March 23, 2020

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"You could live the rest of your life without breathing." -Vsauce

Ur Mom on April 13, 2020

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@Aurora r/wooosh

Ur Mom on April 13, 2020

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htchikf on October 19, 2020


You could hold it for the rest of your life but you'd need duct tape or something

cloelius on April 14, 2021

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I don't get it...

Lol on May 25, 2023

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