Funny Phobias


Also known as courage.


Added by a Guest on October 24, 2018 | You Like This |


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Yea the fear of nothing. I am afraid of nothing. I have Nothingatallophobia! ;)

Azzy on October 30, 2018

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if you fear nothing aren't you just stupid? courage is not the absence fear but getting over your fear

a on December 1, 2018

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not that azzy is stupid

a on December 1, 2018

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It's not courage it's braveness!

Keegan on April 5, 2019

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nothingatallphobia is not real

DaSandyWitch on May 12, 2019

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potato on August 20, 2019

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You can't have courage without fear.

Sparkle on May 4, 2020

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