Funny Diseases

Restless Legs Syndrome

I was in the doctor's office and they were advertising a treament for this.


Added by Frank on August 30, 2006 | You Like This |


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Oh that commericial gives me a laugh- restless leg syndrome? I think its more like your heads just a little more tired then your body, i think a little exersize, or less laziness is needed

haha on October 10, 2007


In the TV ad for the medication, they say, I kid you not: "May cause uncontrollable urge to gamble."

Tim on February 27, 2008

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Has anyone else noticed the proliferation of completely absurd diseases and conditions? These poor people who can't keep their legs still or their eyes wet. Yeah, and the gambling thing is hilarious! What a f**ked up side effect. I think these people are just crazy.

Josh on September 20, 2009

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I can't move a leg.

Douggie on November 10, 2010

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I have this, it's not funny, it's terrible, sure the medicine has funny side effects but the diesease is not funny.

lisa on November 17, 2015

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The bane of my damn life I am on the verge of insomnia from this

Rose on June 19, 2016

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