Wouldn't it be in front of your back?
Added by Jungomo on October 30, 2018 | 83 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Whoa. That's true.
Cavetown on November 9, 2018
me and my friend had a huge argument over this one
? on December 5, 2018
I would like to observe, the front of your back is inside you, facing your heart else technically your ribs are backwards. SCIENCE! love, bob
bob on February 11, 2019
not really the thing behind your back is still behind your back. get it?
a nobody on January 8, 2021
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Whoa. That's true.
Cavetown on November 9, 2018
me and my friend had a huge argument over this one
? on December 5, 2018
I would like to observe, the front of your back is inside you, facing your heart else technically your ribs are backwards. SCIENCE! love, bob
bob on February 11, 2019
not really the thing behind your back is still behind your back. get it?
a nobody on January 8, 2021