The fear of being relaxed. See also Made Up.
Added by a Guest on December 5, 2018 | 93 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Yeah right 'Gowiththeflowbia' is definatly a thing.
Härpêr on December 7, 2018
BOIIIIIII on December 12, 2018
What ??
Addie on December 12, 2018
There's got to be an actual word for that.
Potayatoss on February 2, 2019
Thanks. I just wrote this at school when I was bored and inspired to say something completely utterly useless
Dwight Kurt Schrute on March 26, 2019
^^^^^ It literally says 'made up'. Also, you can't spell.
Tourmaline on March 27, 2019
Actually, I can. that's the point of the H E C K I N G joke. r/wooooosh
Dwight Kurt Schrute on April 2, 2019
Looked it up, the fear of relaxation is just called "relaxation phobia." *Sigh* Gowiththeflowbia is much better.
potato on August 20, 2019
that is weird
sammy2000 on October 31, 2019
i see what you did ther... hehe
person on December 8, 2019
Stress be like: 👹hahaha
Funne on April 27, 2024
but then they wouldnt be relaxed anymore and therefore THE PARADOX
i love kittens on June 20, 2024
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Yeah right 'Gowiththeflowbia' is definatly a thing.
Härpêr on December 7, 2018
BOIIIIIII on December 12, 2018
What ??
Addie on December 12, 2018
There's got to be an actual word for that.
Potayatoss on February 2, 2019
Thanks. I just wrote this at school when I was bored and inspired to say something completely utterly useless
Dwight Kurt Schrute on March 26, 2019
^^^^^ It literally says 'made up'. Also, you can't spell.
Tourmaline on March 27, 2019
Actually, I can. that's the point of the H E C K I N G joke. r/wooooosh
Dwight Kurt Schrute on April 2, 2019
Looked it up, the fear of relaxation is just called "relaxation phobia." *Sigh* Gowiththeflowbia is much better.
potato on August 20, 2019
that is weird
sammy2000 on October 31, 2019
i see what you did ther... hehe
person on December 8, 2019
Stress be like: 👹hahaha
Funne on April 27, 2024
but then they wouldnt be relaxed anymore and therefore THE PARADOX
i love kittens on June 20, 2024