Funny Euphemisms

Hole in the Wall

Also known as a door.


Added by comradesemechki on January 23, 2019 | You Like This |


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Or a window!

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs? on January 27, 2019

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Actually its a doorway

Yaw Yeet on February 8, 2019

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Does no one on this website know the definition of funny? A man who hasn't seen the light in twenty years could probably come up with something funnier than all the people on this website combined. Hell, a Facebook mum has more of a grasp on comedy than anything in this "Euphemisms" category.

Inherently Unfunny on February 13, 2019

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Ok, “Inherently Unfunny”. You are browsing euphemisms, and at that, you are looking at the ones with LESS of those likes. Although I assume you realize, this is a relatively less known website. Not many funny people show up here, but when they do, it is hilarious. Just go to quotes.

Rally up time on October 20, 2020

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so the roblox game is just called door?

... on August 20, 2024

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