Funny Sayings

The Bell Doesn't Dismiss You, I Do

See also Schools, Teachers.


Added by September on February 27, 2019 | You Like This |



hey September, wake me up when you end.

mom on March 5, 2019

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I think everyone who's been in school for a while has had a teacher like this, right?

Guest on March 7, 2019

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I hate it when teachers say that.

Olivia0livia on March 23, 2019

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by that philosophy, the bell doesn't tell me when I get here

ree on April 2, 2019

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That's funny until the next period teacher says "I don't care if you weren't allowed to leave. You're in charge of getting here on time!"

Aubriana on July 2, 2019

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ugh i hate when teachers say that

offidy oof on August 19, 2019

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Nunya on September 23, 2019

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literally my math teacher and science teacher and my history teacher... my English teachers pretty chill tho and so are all the rest of my teachers

olivia on February 12, 2020

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Then the bell doesnt tell me when to come to school either

blah blah on May 6, 2020

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my home room teacher says that only when j.r talks though. everyone else sure go ahead .

harry potato on July 21, 2020


Aight then, I guess I'm not coming here then. I'll decide when I get here. Which is probably never.

Yeetaleetthesecond on October 13, 2021

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