Funny Songs


there was a sneaky gent
Who wanted to be in Smash Ultimate,
Then learned he wouldn’t be able to WAA
Who made the cut?
The nerd the prude the neverwas the alwaysnude
The ones who’d never utter WALLELUJAH
Wallelujah, Wallelujah
Assist Trophy Waluigi.
But baby, Ive been here before.
You opted for the pterosaur,
Some squid thing showed up and the fans said
I said “An Echo would be fine”
But you said, Too bad! Daisy time!
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Wallelujah!
Wallelujah, Wallelujah
Wallelujah, Waluigi.
Now maybe I’d be way too strong,
Id top the tier lists all day long,
But even so, who the heck asked for Pichu
(i cut some off)


Added by teust on March 2, 2019 | You Like This |

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