Funny Insults

Your Mom Did Your Dad

The dumbest insult I've ever heard. See also Parents.


Added by thefunnyeuthemismsguy on March 20, 2019 | You Like This |


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how does that make sense?

quinn on March 25, 2019

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UR MOM (did ur dad). The other day, instead of saying your mom, they said your dad. I was like "excuse me?"

wat on March 25, 2019

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and what are you gonna do about it? are you just gonna sit there and take it???

i did your dad, fight me on April 22, 2019

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son, i know you have been into weird websites a lot.... but come on. ur mum did ur dad? HOW DO YOU SUPPOSE WE MADE U? c'mon kid, u could have done better. I know you get mad at me when I am not caught up in the "teen language" that u kids have on the internet. I'm trying.. OK. How about I come in ur class tomorrow and "dad"... no, "dab"?

i am ur dad on July 17, 2019

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in Persian , doing Sb means to f*** that person (but it is not used in formal or respectful talking at all ! ) . so its absolutely a bad insult !!!

FizzFizy on April 13, 2020

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but its also necessary to know that this word , is not that kind of words that you learn or use in a normal family !! so don't teach or use this word anyway !! its not funny at all in Persian ! Persian or Farsi is the national language in IRAN . but the ancient accent of that , is also still used in Afghanistan .

FizzFizy on April 13, 2020

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whatever you do DO NOT i reapeat DO NOT dab In your kids class EVER

harry potato on July 21, 2020

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Still deciding whether this insult or just "your mom" is the worst.

Yeetaleet 2 on September 21, 2021

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The Rewind Man on February 4, 2022

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