Funny Songs

The Ms. Suzy Song. It is Very Dumb, and Cringy.

Ms. Suzy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Ms. Suzy went to heaven, the steamboat went to hello operator please give me number 9 and if you disconnect me, I'll paddle your behind the frigorator there was a piece of glass, ms. Suzy sat upon it, and broke her little ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies, the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their flies are in the meadow, bees are in the park ms. suzy and her boyfriend are kissing in the d-a-r-k-d-a-r-k dark dark dark! (Search google to find the rest.)


Added by Olivia0livia on March 24, 2019 | You Like This |

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