Added by LilJohnny on April 8, 2019 | 175 people like this You Like This | Unlike
that is so true. Give this kid a metal
butthead on April 10, 2019
person on April 11, 2019
def true
nyb on April 29, 2019
a question just as good: how come a fly spends an hour at an obviously closed window? surly he would figure it out....
uh on April 30, 2019
i don't get it '-' they always fly through my wide open door! life be unfair
WhyWouldI PutThisAgain? on May 29, 2019
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? seriously im st00pid help
lmao tyasm
LilJohnny on June 18, 2019
love it
y on November 7, 2019
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that is so true. Give this kid a metal
butthead on April 10, 2019
person on April 11, 2019
def true
nyb on April 29, 2019
a question just as good: how come a fly spends an hour at an obviously closed window? surly he would figure it out....
uh on April 30, 2019
i don't get it '-' they always fly through my wide open door! life be unfair
WhyWouldI PutThisAgain? on May 29, 2019
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? seriously im st00pid help
WhyWouldI PutThisAgain? on May 29, 2019
lmao tyasm
LilJohnny on June 18, 2019
love it
y on November 7, 2019