Funny Sayings

Roses Are Dead. Violets Are Dead. I'm a Bad Gardener.


Added by a Guest on October 16, 2019 | You Like This |


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I'm a potato

Hailey on October 22, 2019

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Im a potato too

Kash on December 1, 2019

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im a potato and a bad gardener

qwerty on January 19, 2020

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...and a bad poet too

Amerigo on August 16, 2020

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That's why my roses are wilted, And my violets are dead, And because Covid won't let me out, I may be losing my head! I'm also talking to a device, Saying my thoughts out loud, If life was so nice, Why am I typing this out right now?

N/A on December 18, 2020


I probably wouldn't do any better. That's why I have my mother.

Yeetaleetthesecond on February 8, 2022

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