Funny Observations

If You Rearrange the Letters of "A Postman"...

They become very angry.


Added by a Guest on November 12, 2019 | You Like This |


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this doesnt make scense...aamnopst

emily on November 19, 2019

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Scrabble on November 20, 2019

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If you rearrange his letters or his parcels then he will get angry

afaseb2831 on November 25, 2019

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@sex man: wtf? why is that your username

julius-caesar-official on December 9, 2019

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Just a person on December 10, 2019

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Just a person on December 10, 2019

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HorseRiderOfficial on December 10, 2019

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You are ridiculous. That is all I will contribute to this conversation.

ŚãɗiəĞ on December 30, 2019

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That took me waaaaay too long to get

Postmen organize letters on December 30, 2019

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oh they sort letters that took way too long

wiggles wag on January 21, 2020

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Omg guys are you dumb? Its cuz postmen deliver letters in a certain order!

Person on January 24, 2020

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Person if they were talking about his envelope letters then why the heck would the put "a postman" in inverted commas?

MarzB on February 8, 2020

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Smartone on April 4, 2020

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now I get ittttt

ramin.f on June 21, 2020

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it could also say stop a man

nobody on August 6, 2020

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Betty on September 8, 2020

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plz stop saying people are stupid for not getting it

this comment was made on September 21, 2020

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idk all of u are a sophist also for sayin people are dum (search this on this website)

go_POOF! on November 6, 2020


I guess my mind isn't as dirty as I thought it was, as I had to look in the comments to see they can be arranged to "Tampons".

Yeetaleet on May 4, 2021

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ooh ooh aah aah

monkey on February 23, 2023

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they had us in the first half

just a nobody on April 4, 2023

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Lol this took me way to long to figure out... I had to look it up multiple times to get it...

MonkeyBusiness on January 31, 2024

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i got stuck for like 5 minutes

not telling ya on July 17, 2024

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