Funny Observations
I Think Donald Trump Spends More Time Tweeting than Doing His Actual Job
See also Politics, Presidents.

See also Politics, Presidents.
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Maybe it's for the best that his attention is split. If he used ALL his attention on one thing, a total disaster would be unavoidable . . .
MsKnowItAll on December 20, 2019
could be true (yes?)
djj on December 26, 2019
Person on December 26, 2019
But Trudeau spends more time on vacation. Which I guess is also a good thing.
That guy on January 13, 2020
"hAHa oRAnGe mAN BaD"
Posted on December 3, 2020
It just gets worse and worse after the election smh.
Lol on February 5, 2021
Donald trump usto be tweeting racist stuff on twitter!
Joy Powell on April 26, 2021
Justin Trudeau was born on Christmas day in 1971!
Unknown Canadian on April 26, 2021