Funny Observations

Aliens: Spotting and Encounters

Don't tell me a civilization that can flip across the universe can't find intelligent life on this planet. You can SEE Las Vegas from Space. Apparently it's easier to find a lone drunk in the desert. And just how many beers were involved? . . .


Added by MsKnowItAll on December 21, 2019 | You Like This |


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I have a theory: Aliens get super drunk and they fly to earth. Being drunk, they miss the bright lights and land in a desert somewhere. A human stumbles upon them and the aliens transmit their drunkenness into the human using magic or something, as they do not want to get in trouble for drunk driving. The now-sober alien flies away, leaving the human to convince others they really DID see a spaceship.

tHeO tHe ThEoRiSt on August 28, 2020

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