Funny Insults

You Seem Like the Kind of Person Who Kisses With Their Eyes Open


Added by Yoo-Hoo on March 4, 2020 | You Like This |


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ok boomer

hi on March 8, 2020

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What do you mean?

Yoo-Hoo on March 8, 2020

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at least people would want to kiss me.

April on March 18, 2020

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just kidding, no one replied to me. :*(

April on June 4, 2020

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By the way, it's just an insult joke.

Yoo-Hoo on June 4, 2020

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If they've ever even kissed someone.

potato on October 27, 2020


No, if they're the kind of person who does that..

Lime on May 5, 2021

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