Added by a Guest on March 24, 2020 | 62 people like this You Like This | Unlike
What about the 'of?'
Observant on March 29, 2020
What about one-letter words?
Undercover Marauder on March 29, 2020
U forgot of
Person on April 7, 2020
you also forgot No
potato on April 8, 2020
and it should be any, not every.
potato person on April 8, 2020
Nic ide yo go ther budd
Ur Mom on April 9, 2020
ye thi i ver goo ide
lolz on April 10, 2020
don't you mean "no typin th en o ever wor?" also, "no" is "not"
hi on May 6, 2020
POTATO on June 22, 2020
He did not forget "no" because it was "not"
person on October 21, 2020
yo forgo th o
go_POOF! on November 9, 2020
On lette i jus delete gues
It's “not”not no on January 11, 2021
Wh ar w doin thi? Pee pressur I gues
Helgacarmelin on June 14, 2021
Wh d d thi? I extremel weir.
Yeetaleetthesecond on November 12, 2021
Thi Anno yo? Wh? Caus, I' goo a i? O caus yo can' understan i? M sentence loo weird... h h h h h. Rea funn righ?
II AAMM PPOOTTAATTOO on April 29, 2022
on lette word count, fo exampl i wer t sa on lette wor righ ther i jus blan spac geus. Ca anyon understan wha jus wro her? Probal no.
I' potat on April 29, 2022
ur mom
imapotato on October 16, 2022
oka , the . ey wil
iwannabeapotatothough on May 26, 2023
ey spelle on lette word ou s n blan spac
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What about the 'of?'
Observant on March 29, 2020
What about one-letter words?
Undercover Marauder on March 29, 2020
U forgot of
Person on April 7, 2020
you also forgot No
potato on April 8, 2020
and it should be any, not every.
potato person on April 8, 2020
Nic ide yo go ther budd
Ur Mom on April 9, 2020
ye thi i ver goo ide
lolz on April 10, 2020
don't you mean "no typin th en o ever wor?" also, "no" is "not"
hi on May 6, 2020
POTATO on June 22, 2020
He did not forget "no" because it was "not"
person on October 21, 2020
yo forgo th o
go_POOF! on November 9, 2020
On lette i jus delete gues
It's “not”not no on January 11, 2021
Wh ar w doin thi? Pee pressur I gues
Helgacarmelin on June 14, 2021
Wh d d thi? I extremel weir.
Yeetaleetthesecond on November 12, 2021
Thi Anno yo? Wh? Caus, I' goo a i? O caus yo can' understan i? M sentence loo weird... h h h h h. Rea funn righ?
II AAMM PPOOTTAATTOO on April 29, 2022
on lette word count, fo exampl i wer t sa on lette wor righ ther i jus blan spac geus. Ca anyon understan wha jus wro her? Probal no.
I' potat on April 29, 2022
ur mom
imapotato on October 16, 2022
oka , the . ey wil
iwannabeapotatothough on May 26, 2023
ey spelle on lette word ou s n blan spac
iwannabeapotatothough on May 26, 2023