And now I bet you're trying it. See also Teeth.
Added by a Guest on March 27, 2020 | 34 people like this You Like This | Unlike
You can move them up and down though
ash.dubstep on March 29, 2020
vo on March 30, 2020
shoplkins on March 30, 2020
Papalapop on March 30, 2020
I have never thought of that wooooooow
sepelukumas on March 31, 2020
haha you though *takes out retainer*
sedfib on March 31, 2020
[Moves entire head] I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move
Ur Mom on April 2, 2020
mcfartion22 on April 2, 2020
I can side to side and up and down!
Sophie on April 4, 2020
what if i broke my tooth off and moved it around
kool kid on May 21, 2020
what about a wobbly tooth??? that moves
person on May 29, 2020
i try this all the time, and i realise you can just hold your bottom jaw and make it raise your head, by opening your mouth
go_POOF! on November 6, 2020
ha, i never thought of that
wat on November 6, 2020
u can't move ur bottom teeth either
pipipipip on March 16, 2021
The bottom can't either, you're moving your jaw. Not your teeth, specifically.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 10, 2022
you move them every time you walk
i love kittens on May 27, 2023
Just rip out a tooth and wave it around
_ on December 15, 2023
Motion is relative. It is true that you can't move your teeth relative to your eyes.
Xavier on March 8, 2024
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You can move them up and down though
ash.dubstep on March 29, 2020
vo on March 30, 2020
shoplkins on March 30, 2020
Papalapop on March 30, 2020
I have never thought of that wooooooow
sepelukumas on March 31, 2020
haha you though *takes out retainer*
sedfib on March 31, 2020
[Moves entire head] I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move
Ur Mom on April 2, 2020
mcfartion22 on April 2, 2020
I can side to side and up and down!
Sophie on April 4, 2020
what if i broke my tooth off and moved it around
kool kid on May 21, 2020
what about a wobbly tooth??? that moves
person on May 29, 2020
i try this all the time, and i realise you can just hold your bottom jaw and make it raise your head, by opening your mouth
go_POOF! on November 6, 2020
ha, i never thought of that
wat on November 6, 2020
u can't move ur bottom teeth either
pipipipip on March 16, 2021
The bottom can't either, you're moving your jaw. Not your teeth, specifically.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 10, 2022
you move them every time you walk
i love kittens on May 27, 2023
Just rip out a tooth and wave it around
_ on December 15, 2023
Motion is relative. It is true that you can't move your teeth relative to your eyes.
Xavier on March 8, 2024