Funny Observations

The Average Number of Skeletons Inside the Human Body is Greater than One

It sounds creepy until you realize that the major contributor to that statistic is pregnancy.


Added by a Guest on May 1, 2020 | You Like This |


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It was creepier after the pregnancy realization

Stephaneggs on May 5, 2020

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The MAJOR contributer? . . ... Not sure if I really want to know.

A Potato on November 6, 2020

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I agree with A Potato

me on May 7, 2021

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The other contributor is most likely parasitic twins or some sh*t

The Rewind Man on January 13, 2022


If it isn't it a tumor? I mean, they could grow things like eyes, teeth, hair, I wouldn't be too surprised if they get bones too. I'm sorry if you've just been very creeped out by this fact.

Yeetaleetthesecond on January 10, 2023

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