Funny Sayings
All Poopoo Times Are Peepee Times but Not All Peepee Times Are Poopoo Times
See also Bathroom, Scatalogical.

See also Bathroom, Scatalogical.
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that is true
A11 on May 6, 2020
im a potato
no name on May 6, 2020
How is this so accurate?
BruhTatto on May 7, 2020
A11 on May 7, 2020
mom on May 7, 2020
Soo true
Bruh on May 29, 2020
Well said. Well said.
ShePotato on August 12, 2020
So true tho.
ShePotato on August 12, 2020
why does this make so much sence
potatofaceo on August 13, 2020
sssss on August 22, 2020
AHEM, today I had a very big poopoo time which was not a peepee time. Very very big poopoo time though. Just wanted to correct you on that.
RandomKid on December 29, 2020
lol on February 2, 2021
Yes. We all need this in our life. Especially in zoom school days
Potato gang chairman on February 2, 2021
Disgusting, but that is true, lol.
Samuel on February 3, 2021
unfunnymemelord on February 5, 2021
Le hecc?
Yeetaleet on May 26, 2021
Actually had a time where a peepee time was a poopoo time. Wow.
Yeetaleet 2 on August 27, 2021
Disgusting, but that is true, lol.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 3, 2022
speaking facts
x on February 9, 2023
i pooped and didnt pee is that normal
poop on November 27, 2023
the fact that every comment is going to be about people going to the bathroom that day... o-o
random person 101 on November 16, 2024