Funny Phobias

Monologophobia: The Fear of Repetition

Monologophobia: The Fear of Repetition


Added by a Guest on May 6, 2020 | You Like This |


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kinda ironic, don't ya think?

@delrox1359 on May 18, 2020

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Monologophobia: The Fear of Repetition

Ur Mom on June 15, 2020

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sooooo ironic hehe

ur mom on October 30, 2020

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Monologophobia: The Fear of Repetition

Aaron Number Man on November 5, 2020

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Megalophobia: The fear of Sans!

An Undertale Fan on January 7, 2021

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Repetition: The Fear of Monologophobia

B) on March 6, 2021

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actually, as someone who has this, it does sound pretty funny. But in reality, it can cause TONS of anxiety. for an example, alarms. since theyre repetitive it can cause stress and anxiety during something like a fire. this phobia is usually caused from misophonia, which i have too. but it does sound like megalophobia lmao- its quite funny to make jokes about fear like these

kanzo on March 23, 2021

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I have a severe fear of repetition. I literally jump when I feel or hear repeating patterns, which sucks because stuff like that is almost everywhere. May seem funny but it's genuinely torture for some people.

Dev on April 3, 2021

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