Funny Drinks


A British mixed-fruit soft drink. It supposedly 'tastes like red.' See also British.


Added by TheChocoboLord on May 15, 2020 | You Like This |


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i like this drink i do it when i wiz

hool on May 17, 2020

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Hahahahaha. Tastes like red.

Britz on June 21, 2020

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I thought gatorade tasted like red.

Spark Mandrill on September 10, 2020

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Supposed to taste like red? WE CAN TASTE COLORS NOW?!

Afton Family on December 22, 2020

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well, we can taste hell, it's called school food

1134 on March 17, 2023

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if it tastes like blue, it's probably Windex. if it tastes like red, it's probably this, unless you're a vampire, in which case, it's blood. if it tastes like purple, it's either a mixture of the two previous flavors, or it's grape juice.

Tizd on March 17, 2023

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