They really are. See also Flowers.
Added by a Guest on May 18, 2020 | 46 people like this You Like This | Unlike
roses are actually rose coloured
Captain Obvious v6 on July 5, 2020
OMG!!! I NEVER REALISED. p.s. i couldnt figure out what colour the submit button was either.
Arlo on September 30, 2020
or are they???
potato who? on November 5, 2020
imagine being colourblind and unable to figure the colour of the button and unable to do maths
me on November 26, 2020
violets are violet
SHAKE YOUR BOOTY on January 17, 2021
Not ALL.....
Stopit on March 31, 2021
potato on September 29, 2021
Don't be a rose racist! There are pink and white roses too.
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 2, 2022
Me with a garden full of diffrent colored roses: 😎
Nonyanae on May 23, 2022
Rude, I have yellow, white, pink, and darker pink roses in MY garden *haughty sniff*
Nonyanae on July 26, 2022
Don't be a potato! Just register or login before commenting.
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Fight Spam! What color is the Submit button?
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roses are actually rose coloured
Captain Obvious v6 on July 5, 2020
OMG!!! I NEVER REALISED. p.s. i couldnt figure out what colour the submit button was either.
Arlo on September 30, 2020
or are they???
potato who? on November 5, 2020
imagine being colourblind and unable to figure the colour of the button and unable to do maths
me on November 26, 2020
violets are violet
SHAKE YOUR BOOTY on January 17, 2021
Not ALL.....
Stopit on March 31, 2021
potato on September 29, 2021
Don't be a rose racist! There are pink and white roses too.
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 2, 2022
Me with a garden full of diffrent colored roses: 😎
Nonyanae on May 23, 2022
Rude, I have yellow, white, pink, and darker pink roses in MY garden *haughty sniff*
Nonyanae on July 26, 2022