Cookie Monster's real name.
Added by a Guest on May 27, 2020 | 37 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch
eh on August 13, 2020
close to my actual name
ooga booga on October 21, 2020
it's actually sid but go off i guess
:) on October 30, 2020
s i d n e y .
jdsnvifenvifnvikfrnv on March 11, 2021
The Cookie Monster's real name is Sid, and his last name is Ney, but spaces don't matter, right?
AngryChicagoanPerson on May 23, 2022
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Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch
eh on August 13, 2020
close to my actual name
ooga booga on October 21, 2020
it's actually sid but go off i guess
:) on October 30, 2020
s i d n e y .
jdsnvifenvifnvikfrnv on March 11, 2021
The Cookie Monster's real name is Sid, and his last name is Ney, but spaces don't matter, right?
AngryChicagoanPerson on May 23, 2022