Funny Insults


The Spanish word for gnocchi. In Argentina, it’s used to insult a person who does nothing but procrastinate and later takes the credit and salary of someone else who really deserves it. See also Pasta, Work.


Added by a Guest on October 5, 2020 | You Like This |


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in Brazil we say similar, Nhoque. It's Really Good!

ju on October 10, 2020

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I don't procrastinate, so I've never heard of that insult before. - Cucu (p.s. if you find my friends Ms. Paul & Goode pls lmk bcoz i lost them here ty

Cucu (short for Cuckoo) on October 14, 2020

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@Cucu Hello, darling, I believe you forgot the ). Goode

Goode on October 14, 2020

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@Cucu Let's find Ms. Paul first. Goode (P.S. Super sorry to @Guest for spamming! Our situation is complicated.)

Goode on October 14, 2020

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Ah yes, c o m m u n i s m

FriedButter on November 13, 2020

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see, im not only skipping class, im learning here too

yo on April 6, 2021

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