Funny Phobias


Fear of eyebrows.


Added by a Guest on October 28, 2020 | You Like This |


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Or you need to not have eyebrows

Are you bald then? on November 4, 2020

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Eyebrows are veeeery scary

Aaron Number Man on November 5, 2020

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The w h a t

_meow193_ on November 10, 2020

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u would be walking down the street and being scared of everyone elses face

um chile... anyways so on November 30, 2020

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i wasnt think that we have eyebrow phobia thanks to telling ^_^

anisa on December 27, 2020

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Oh having that phobia must suck. Like you desperately want to shave off your eyebrows and desperately want everyone else you look at to do it too. Man I feel bad for all you ommatrichophobics out there

quackity on December 29, 2020

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mono on March 19, 2021

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they would be so scared of me. i got some thick eyebrows.

erickkaaa on July 19, 2021

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I have this :\ It's hard ot look at people lol

👾 on August 17, 2023

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so that's why so many people draw on their eyebrows

_______ on August 28, 2024

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