Funny Observations
The age ratio between two people always gets smaller…
But never flips. See also Math.

But never flips. See also Math.
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logano on December 28, 2020
Like if youre 1 and im 2, the ration is is 2 next year youre 2 and im 3, the ration is 1.5 and so on
RaaM on December 29, 2020
RaaM on December 29, 2020
I don't understand I'm too dumb
huh on February 6, 2021
makes no sense
Mr.Terrible Puns on February 17, 2021
There was an Abbot and Costello about this
old comedy on April 19, 2022
Simple 5th grade math, never heard of ratios?
Yeetaleetthesecond on December 13, 2022
Stuff like this comes up pretty frequently with graphs where a line comes infinately close to zero without flipping into a negative or vise versa. It's known as an asymptote
apparently I need a name on November 20, 2024