Funny Instruments

Didgeridoo Shop

An Australian instrument that, in the wrong hands, sounds like a bumblebee with a hangover.


Added by a Guest on December 19, 2006 | You Like This |


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I'm getting a didjeridu which btw is the proper spelling of the word they are so cool

Kara on May 13, 2008

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Ummm..... trust me, you don't spell it that way ("didjeridu"), I would know because I grew up listening my dad and the elders of my town play it.

Jazza on July 29, 2009

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my brother has one.. i love the art on it, there's a platypus heheh very cool instrument, look it up on youtube.. and u can make one out of a soda bottle which still sounds pretty good

yssirc on July 30, 2009


Both spellings are acceptable. I would know because I grew up listening to the sage words of the Discovery Channel and Google.

ziggyzaster on November 24, 2009

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chocolate on March 23, 2010


I'm Australian and it sounds cool so listen to Me because i'm Australian and I've heard the didgeridoo 100 x more than you's

RegUlarJamie on September 2, 2016

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I once made a digeridoo with a PVC pipe and some beeswax slapped on one end. It sounded awful, so I must've done something wrong while playing it, but it was fun to decorate.

Mister PotatoeHead on February 28, 2019


I think I remember seeing it on TV one time...

Yeetaleetthesecond on November 8, 2021

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