Funny Anti-Jokes

Super Boomer Humor

Rumors say Super Boomer Humor
is the Ruler of Humor in Vancouver.
But Newer Boomer Humor is a big Bloomer.
Consumer Reviewers like Newer Boomer Humor
as much as Ubers.
In the Future the Producers of Super Boomer Humor say Super Boomer Humor will be as a Loser to Newer Boomer Humor as a Older Schooner to a Newer Cruiser.
Newer Boomer Humor Were Abusers as they said "we're cooler, they losers". But fellow Users, what did the Producer of Super Boomer Humor Luther Cooper say?

"ok boomer."

Original Super Boomer Humor By Wheet
(Made possible with a Computer.)


Added by Wheet on June 10, 2021 | You Like This |



Uh... this is probably the most complex tongue twister I've ever seen.

Yeetaleet on June 19, 2021


its supposed to be lame, trust me.

Wheet on June 21, 2021


One more thing, "Ok boomer"

Yeetaleetthesecond on November 3, 2021

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