Funny Words
A noun meaning the throwing of a person or thing out a window. See also Violence.

A noun meaning the throwing of a person or thing out a window. See also Violence.
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Sounds funny
Adam Kessel on May 2, 2007
since when do nouns describe actions..? still a good word tho
ewop on July 24, 2007
Good point ewop. I'm going to change it from action to word.
Tyler on July 26, 2007
I love this word since my mother in law threw the salmon out the window one night when there was too much complaining about dinner
Liz on September 29, 2007
ZIM on November 17, 2007
Makes sense. Fenster is the German word for window. Soooo...defenestration is...unwindowing someone. Or throwing them out the window, whichever.
Alphonse on February 26, 2008
yeah umm that is a verb
heather on September 11, 2008
Think the word is funny? Look up the Defenestration of Prague... That's a funny moment in history! Who the heck throws someone out of a monastery window?!
Sally on February 11, 2009
to throw out of a window
Guest on April 5, 2009
Ah, yes. I would love to defenestration with you!
Samuel on April 14, 2021