Added by a Guest on July 27, 2021 | 102 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Mike Oxlong on July 29, 2021
whatb on July 29, 2021
i need a life
cheese on August 2, 2021
im weeb
random weeb on August 2, 2021
jo mama
ur mom on August 4, 2021
The only logical step that follows is you need to convince your parents that they are adopted
retort on August 4, 2021
your mum
hhh on August 5, 2021
Did someone say family? Nothings more important then family.
Dom Toretto on August 13, 2021
ur mom
huhhh on August 14, 2021
You are reading nothing on August 15, 2021
Boooof on August 15, 2021
Bro get a life lmao
Dumbolikedummy on August 18, 2021
u adopted lmfao
bruh on August 25, 2021
Playing on bored button and being even more bored
Margot on August 26, 2021
tell her and say I am adopted mom
ME on August 30, 2021
hey momma! ima adopted
dork on September 20, 2021
Make them believe there adopted
THATGUY on September 30, 2021
Write down on a piece of paper "I'm adopted" then slide it under their door
MommyMilkers on October 12, 2021
noname on December 1, 2021
put a banner up somewhere that says “IM ADOPTED🤩”
pp on December 7, 2021
first time ?
hahahaha adopted guy on December 26, 2021
How would they tell YOU?
Yeetaleetthesecond on January 17, 2022
Did he tell his parents he's adopted?
Alice Kat on October 4, 2022
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Mike Oxlong on July 29, 2021
whatb on July 29, 2021
i need a life
cheese on August 2, 2021
im weeb
random weeb on August 2, 2021
jo mama
ur mom on August 4, 2021
The only logical step that follows is you need to convince your parents that they are adopted
retort on August 4, 2021
your mum
hhh on August 5, 2021
Did someone say family? Nothings more important then family.
Dom Toretto on August 13, 2021
ur mom
huhhh on August 14, 2021
You are reading nothing on August 15, 2021
Boooof on August 15, 2021
Bro get a life lmao
Dumbolikedummy on August 18, 2021
u adopted lmfao
bruh on August 25, 2021
Playing on bored button and being even more bored
Margot on August 26, 2021
tell her and say I am adopted mom
ME on August 30, 2021
hey momma! ima adopted
dork on September 20, 2021
Make them believe there adopted
THATGUY on September 30, 2021
Write down on a piece of paper "I'm adopted" then slide it under their door
MommyMilkers on October 12, 2021
noname on December 1, 2021
put a banner up somewhere that says “IM ADOPTED🤩”
pp on December 7, 2021
first time ?
hahahaha adopted guy on December 26, 2021
How would they tell YOU?
Yeetaleetthesecond on January 17, 2022
Did he tell his parents he's adopted?
Alice Kat on October 4, 2022