Funny People

Roberto Nevilis

The man who invented homework. See also Homework, Schools.


Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on November 9, 2021 | You Like This |



Fun fact, homework was used as punishment. So technically, you're always being punished

PortulTM on December 15, 2021

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Im doing homework rn. THANKS A LOT ROBERTO

a turtle on January 2, 2022

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Homework is the root of all evil. Adolph Hitler probably did homework as a kid.

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 6, 2022

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whyyy , the teachers get us punished

Skylander on January 31, 2022

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btw did u know detetion is illegale

skylander on January 31, 2022

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The beginning of a tragic backstory someone needs to become a villian

The Eclipse on March 16, 2022

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why though

wtf on April 30, 2022

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Whoever decided that homework was mandatory.... bro it will not end well for u.

pOtAtO on June 28, 2023

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wait detention is illegal

pOtAtO on June 28, 2023

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School is close to a full work day, but we also have to do homework. If an adult was working in an office full-time and their boss tried to make them take work home to do, it would be illegal. If we don't have time for sleep at school, why would we have time for work at home? Credit to Gabesweats for the information

Molly on August 29, 2023

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I hate him

_______ on August 24, 2024

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